Memoranda for Submission to the Chief Ministers of the Two Telugu States.


Sri Yelamanchi Chiranjivi Rao, a Kamma Torch Bearer

 Dt: 13/12/24


Sri Yelamanchi Chiranjivi Rao, a Kamma Torch Bearer

Dr T.H.Chowdary*


Sri Chiranjivi Rao is known to me  since his service in the Department of  Telecoms  along with me . No person with merit  and  ambition  will be satisfied in a  job that does not fully utilize his  talents  for advancement.  So Sri Chiranjivi Rao  left the  Department  to utilize his  talent  and achieve his ambitions  to be useful to society while at the  same time growing in prosperity with  satisfaction. 

2. Rural  people  are migrating  to  towns and the traditional way of  forging  matrimonial alliances  was giving way. In  rural  families  traditionally   the uncle ( mother’s brother)  looks for an alliance  for the sisters son  or  daughter.  That system  was becoming  no  longer  feasible or acceptable  to the  families migrating to  towns and the people taking different professions. So finding a spouse  has to be  one’s own effort or  distantly living parents . An alternative, that Sri Chiranjivi Rao thought of starting a marriage bureau and  he did start the  Kakatiya  Marriage Bureau in the year 1982 . This bureau has  grown with several branches  in the Telugu , Kannada & Tamil Nadu states where  many Kammas are settled and the Kamma young are  working in different  professions in India and foreign cities.  

3. This  activity as  a marriage bureau cannot be solely for the purpose of  making money  . One cannot play with  lives of the  young . Marriages  arranged  will have to  be  fixed between compatible people  of compatible professions with  full understanding of the implications of  marriage . In Hindu dharma,  marriages  are    believed to be made in heaven and lived  on  earth.  Such is the sanctity   -  till death does part us .  Therefore a lot  of  study has to be done   about  the past  of the families  preferences   and the possibility of lasting togetherness.  It is in this regard that the Kakatiya Bureau under the direction of Sri Chiranjivi Rao has been doing  an excellent job because of the  accumulation of a wealth of information  over a period of time  regarding hundreds of marriages that  it  has been able to  fix.


4. Sri Chiranjivi Rao  has  found in her  daughter -in-law,  Smt.  Navina an able  interested  person  in studying the persons coming to the  Bureau  for help in fixing the marriages.  She makes  extensive inquiries and finds out  what the parents  and the young  are wanting  and  whether those wants are   congruent . Similarly, between  the  persons who  expects  to be complementary and lasting  couples  extensive studies are  made. The wealth of information  so gathered  enables  excellent counselling to go forward to  fix the marriage or not.

5.  Apart from this   professional expertise  in fixing  marriages after deep study and counselling Sri Chiranjivi Roa took the initiative  for starting the monthly  journal,  “Kamma Vaibhavam”  in the year 2004.  Some will wonder whether this is not a communal activity.  “Communal” is a pejorative  word but  “commune”  community are respectable  words.  People indulging  communal politics  based upon a particular  caste are communal.  Friendship and mutual  wellbeing starts  in the  family ; goes on extending  to the caste  and neighborhood and to the  region / state ,  linguistic group, to the nation  and beyond . If  all this is  with the view  of every body’s   wellbeing and prosperity, it is commendable. This is the  Hindu view too.  By picking up people  in the  community who have  attained eminence by dint   of aspiration and  hard work  and featuring them  in the  monthly journal “Kamma Vaibhavam”,  the young in the  community  are   inspired   to strive to rise  to eminence in their  chosen  fields.

6. One is   reminded of the great message in the following poem:

Lives of great men all remind us we may  make our lives sublime

and departing leave  behind us foot prints on the sands of time.


– Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


7. With the  success stories of the eminent people in the  community,  many   from modest or  even  indigent origins,  the readers  and their  families are   inspired to strive and shine. 

8. The  information in the articles that are  regularly published from Smt  Navina  regarding  marriage and their desirability and  durability  and Smt. Satyavani  about the importance of  a stable family  and the broad variety  of content  in my own  contributions the journal, Kamma Vaibhavam  I  add   value  to the journal .  Kamma Vaibhavam is not only  about  finding  spouses but also in  calling  the  young in the community  to rise  to  great  stature in society.

9.  Reports on community celebration of festivals in the  Kamma Vaibhavan bring  our cultural values and  beliefs to  inculcate moral and  ethical values.

10. The editorials by Sri  Chiranjivi Rao are well informed and will considered. They cover political, social, moral and ethical  issues; especially coming hard on corruption in politicians of all hues, for whom politics has become commerce and governmental  power and government’s money have become resources to build up personal wealth and  Parivar succession.  Speaking and writing truth without fear shows  integrity.

11. It gives  me  great  pleasure to have Sri Chiranjivi Rao and  Smt. Navina as my friends   exchanging views on  several matters of moment for the community and for the  country.

12. I  am sure that  good counsel  will  continue   in the  years to come  from both Sri Chiranjivi Rao and  Smt. Navina  and that this journal, Kamma Vaibhavam will become   more  and more popular, informative ,  instructing and inspiring.  (895 words)