1. He initiated the restructuring of the DOT, first by its separation from the Posts and constituting the operations into corporations. He had canvassed these reforms, among Members of Parliament, Ministers and State Governments. He was the first and founding Chairman and Managing Director of Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited (VSNL), India’s International Telecommunications Corporation.
2. He founded the Center for Telecommunications Management and Studies (CTMS), in 1989, as a not-for-profit-society to wage the intellectual campaign for demonopolisation of and competition in Indian telecoms. He wrote the draft National Telecom Policy (NTP), as early as in 1989. The NTP of 1994, is more or less the same that he put forward in 1989.
3. He has been running a monthly journal (Journal of the CTMS) from January 1992.
4. In the period 1989 to 1995, he travelled extensively to several cities in India holding seminars, discussions, debates and workshops, all to propagate the policy of restructuring Indian telecoms and mobilise public opinion for changes, for corporation, privatisation, independent regulation and for FDI.
5. He has drafted an alternative Indian Telecom Law in 1992, to replace the Indian Telegraphs Act, 1885, and submitted it as an alternative report of the Government of India’s High Power Committee (of which he was a member) to amend the Indian Telegraph Act.
6. He drafted the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) Bill, which has become the basis for the final TRAI Act.
7. He has been responsible for the birth of the telecom manufacturing industry in the private sector. And he is considered the spiritual father of all the private sector telecom companies in India.
8. He has been an invited speaker at the quadrennial worldwide conferences called TELECOM XX (XX standing for the last two digits of the year) organised by the prestigious International Telecom Union (ITU) in Geneva. He was invited to speak at the
Telecom 87 on telecom economics
Telecom 91 on telecom regulation
Telecom 95 on Telecom Futures at the Strategies Summits.
Asia Telecom 96, (Singapore) on Telecom Deregulation and Competition in Developing Countries.
Telecom Regulation Dec 2002 (Hong Kong)
PrepCom II for WSIS – Geneva Feb 2003
9. He was a consultant to the AtWater’s Institute , Montreal and to the US Department of Commerce, for the GATT negotiations – Trade in Services – Telecommunications and Information Services.
10. He was invited to speak at the Columbia Institute for Telecoms and Information, New York and at the Technical University of Denmark at Lyngby.
11. He is an invited speaker on subjects like universal service, telecom technologies, wireless in the local loop, interconnection and deregulation, financing and projects, etc., in international meets in London, Budapest, Delhi, Singapore, Hong Kong, Honolulu, Bangkok, Manila, Kuala Lumpur, San Francisco; Los Angeles; Atlanta, Montreal, Ottawa, Calgary, Vancouver, Cananaskis, Praha, Seoul, Brisbane, Perth
12. He was Governor of the INTELSAT, Washington, and INMARSAT, London. He was the leader of the international Team of telecom experts engaged by the UNDP/ITU, to draw telecom plans for Yemen and Guyana in 1990-91 and 1985 respectively.
13. He was a Consultant (1995) to the Government of South Africa for restructuring their telecoms and to the Government of Nepal (Y 2000) for its IT Policy.
14. He was Chairman of the AP Electronics Development Corporation.
15. He was a Member of the Prime Minister’s National Task Force for Information Technology (NTFIT)).
16. Currently he is the Director of Center for Telecom Management and Studies
17. He was IT Advisor to (since 1997) Government of Andhra Pradesh in the rank of Minister of state, from 1997-2004, ideating schemes of e-governance, computer education in schools, state wide Area Network, Public Internet Service Kiosks in villages and broadband for information of society.
18. He is Chairman of Prajna Bharati, Andhra Pradesh, (this is an Association of nationalist intellectuals)
19. He was the Chairman of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, (Institute of Indian Culture) Hyderabad Kendra
20. He was the all-India President of Institution of Electronic & Telecommunication Engineers. He is a Distinguished Fellow of the IETE a fellow of the Institution of Engineers and a Senior Member of the IEEE (New York).
21. He is Consultant and Advisor to a number of national and international telecom companies and financial institutions including India’s number 1 software services companie TCS.
22. He was advisior of Satyam Computer Services Ltd.
23. He received the LV Ramaiah Award for distinguished public service
24. He writes extensively in the national and international newspapers and professional journals
25. He is the author of several books: A few are listed below:
Are You Listening?
(The story of his struggles in the DOT to deliver service and not merely administer rules)
Right Number; Cheap Service, Telephones Unlimited
(Play on how telephone services are administered by techno-bureaucrats and ministers)
We the Telephone men in your Service
(Delineation of the duties, functions and work of DOT’s telephone employees)
From America to Andhra
(Plays with telegraph & telephone services as themes) (Telugu)
The Tales the Telephones Tell
(Telephone Cheppina Kathalu in Telugu-First persons narration of telecom persons while on duty)
Telephoning Rural Areas of Andhra Pradesh
Information and Communication Technologies into the New Millennium
(Talks on All India Radio: August and September, 1999)
Issue in Telecom De-monopolisation in India
(compilation of 70 articles appeared in Computers Today from 1994 to 1998)
P-Telcos in India – Why did India get them so wrong?
Running Commentary on analysis of the liberalization, demonopolisation and independent regulation process for Telecommunications in India
Information & Communication Technologies for Classes and Masses
India Under Strain (compilation of 70 articles)
India! Speak Up!! (Compilation of 60 articles)
India Explorations (Compilation of 57 articles)
India Under Assault – Series I
Aallochinchandi (Compilation of 55 Articles in Telugu) June 2007
Journals edited by Dr T H Chowdary :
1. Journal of the CTMS (Rs. 250/- p.a; since Jan 1992)
2. Bharatiya Pragna (Rs. 150/ p.a; since Jan 1996) *
3. “Secularism” Combat (Rs. 400/- for 5 yrs; since May 2003) **
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** DD in favour of 'Secularism' Combat Hyderabad |