Memoranda for Submission to the Chief Ministers of the Two Telugu States.


Decimation of Hindus in Bangladesh

 Dt:  18//12/24

Decimation of Hindus in Bangladesh

Dr T.H.Chowdary*


Yet one more pogram of decimating, ethnic cleansing and destroying the  Hindus in east Bengal (1946)  – East Pakistan (1947) – Bangladesh (1971) was launched in Aug 2024, in the aftermath of the  overthrow of Sahaikh Hasina’s Awami League government.   By demonic acts of loot, murder, abduction, rape and forced conversion and expulsions in waves at intervals, the 30% Hindu minority in 1946 had been reduced to 7.6% ( 13.1 mln) out of 173 mln population of Bangla Desh .  After each pogram, specious assurances were proffered to India  and concerned interested international bodies that peace and normalcy  would be restored and  maintained.  Notwithstanding these comforting declarations, pograms of different intensities and duration have been continuing.


2. Bangla Desh is an Islamic State . The first Islamic state in history was created  in Madina by  Prophet Mohammed himself after his   emigration  with a few hundred followers from Mekka in AD 622 .  (Hijra, a celebrated term in Arabic meaning emigration to escape oppression . Islamic calendar begins with  Hijra on July 16, 622 AD) .


3. After Prophet Mohammed established his rule firmly in Madina ( Yathrib) he tried persuasion to get the  large Jewish communities accept him as Prophet in the  line of  Jewish Prophets ( of the Old Testament of the  Bible) and  convert to the  faith Islam he was propagating.  First there was agreement of peaceful co-existence.  But as the  Jewish tribes were not converting to Islam, they were one after another expelled and  finally eliminated on trumped up charges of collusion with the  enemies of the Prophet in Mekka .  First was Banu ( tribe) Kinuka in AD 624.  They were let go with their movable  wealth . Next was Banu Nadir in 625.  They were not allowed to take out anything  including the Jewelry on women folk.  As these two  expulsions  did not oblige the 


third tribe, Kuraiza to convert,  800 men of that tribe were asked to dig a trench; they were lined up and  one after another was decapitated and the severed parts were thrown into the trench. Their women and children were distributed among Muslims; the most beautiful among them Raihana was to be taken as wife of the  Prophet; she refused to convert and  be the  wife of Mohammed; he made her his slave concubine; she preferred to be  a Jewess to wifedom as a Moslem ( P 334 ; Mohammed And the Rise of  Islam” by D.S. Margoliouth : A Voice of  India publication, New Delhi 1985 ( first published in London in  1905 ). This episode was described as : “monstrous cruelty” of the Prophet himself  as narrated at Pages 322 & 323  by Sir William  Muir in his book “The Life of Mohamet” first published  in 1894 ( 3rd edition), Indian reprints in 1992 and 2002 by Voice of India, New Delhi . The decapitation episode is at pages 333 & 334 of.  Chapter -IX  in the book, “Mohammed And the Rise of  Islam” by D.S. Margoliouth : A Voice of  India publication, New Delhi 1985 ( first published in London in  1905) .

 What happened in the 7th century to the  non-Muslim Jewish minority in the Muslim state under and by the Prophet of Islam himself is  narrated here because the  Prophet is held infallible and  his conduct and  doings  are held as exemplary by all Muslims and  a good Muslim should  live and do likewise. 

4. The Prophet’s Template:

This act of persecution of non-Muslim minorities   in an Islamic state  by the  founder of Islam himself  shaped the conviction and  conduct  of  practising  Muslims  and their regimes  everywhere and especially in the   Islamic states. The persecution   of  religious minorities with a view to convert them to Islam or eliminate them  is an often perpetrated   practice in Islamic states.  The Prophet’s  conduct  is held to be  exemplary   and obligatory for every devout  Muslim to emulate.  Hence in the Islamic states  the  persecution of minorities with a  view to convert them or decimate them  has the historic  precedent in the first Islamic state around Madina itself.  In 1988 when   General Arshad  ruled Bangladesh  the  constitution was amended  making Islam the state religion of the country. The message  to non-Muslims  -  Hindus , Buddhists and Christians was clear  - they are  not equal  to Muslims  in the entitlement of human rights  mentioned in the  UNIVERSAL Declaration of  the Human Right (UDHR) of the UNO.

5. Expulsion of Hindu Pandits from Kashmir:

5.1  Muslims everywhere are indoctrinated  from childhood, in Madrasas and mosques to faithfully follow and live upto what their Prophet preached and practised.  The expulsion and decapitation of the Jewish tribes in Yaatrib  (Madina) for not converting to Islam was followed in Kashmir in 1990.  The Hindu Pandits who remained unconverted were given 36 hours notice through loud speakers in mosques; they were to leave their properties and women and children to be ravished and  converted. The Chief Minister, “secular” and “tolerantFarooq Abdullah and his “National” Conference government did not intervene and protect the Hindus; the  then J&K Governor,  “secular” Jag Mohan could do nothing, the Home Minister of India   “secular” Mufti Mohammed Sayeed , secular” Prime Minister of India, V P Singh’s government, did nothing to protect and  prevent the expulsion of Hindu Pandits from their  ancestral land, Kashmir for millennia. The expulsion of Hindus from Muslim Kashmir was exactly on the lines of expulsion, decimation and decapitation  of Jews in Madina   by Islam’s Prophet from in AD 624, 625 and 627.

5.2 The BJP-led NDA coalition government during 1998-2004 and the Sonia -directed UPA government of a  Prime Minister Manmohan Singh did nothing to help and rehabilitate the  Hindus expelled from  their  millennial home-land, Kashmir.   PM, P V Narasimha Rao’s government  under surveillance  of Sonia Maino ( Gandhi) during 1991-96 ; the humpty-dumpty United Front  governments of Gowda (June 1996 – April 1997)  and I K Gujral ( 1919 - 2012), – none of the governments of India  under Prime Ministers from different parties did anything to  rehabilitate the Hindus  expelled from the Muslim majority state within the  Republic  of India .

6. Non-return of Muslims to Kashmir:

 In the thirty four years since the expulsion of Hindus from Kashmir in 1990, very “secular” Congress  (1991-96) and Congress-led Sonia-directed “secular” United  “Progressive”, Alliance  nationalist and genuinely secular, BJP-led NDA government  (2014-) in India that is “becoming” Bharat did precious  little to securely and honourably rehabilitate the  unfortune Hindus expelled from Kashmir.  Most of the expelled have settled and started life again in other towns and  cities of India.  After three decades of secure life outside Kashmir, few are willing to go back.  Some government employees had gone back during 2019-’24 and are  leading a precarious life in the Musim majority Kashmir towns and Srinagar.  This long story is recalled to buttress the view that few Bangladesh’s Hindus who had fled that country since October 1946 and even those who are lucky  to cross-over to India thereafter  would ever go back to that accursed land of memories.

7. Direct Action: Calcutta Aug 1946 , Noakhali Oct 1946:

The Hindu  minority of about 30% in  1946 in East Bengal (now Bangladesh)  had the first taste of  persecution, loot,  rape, murder  and forced conversion in Noakhali district of East Bengal in Oct 1946 itself  as an extension to the Direct Action of Muslim League on 16 Aug 1946 in Calcutta when Hindus were set upon by Muslims  with the   support of  the then Muslim League government  in ( undivided ) Bengal .  After the  partition of India and the creation of Pakistan including  East Bengal ( now Bangladesh ) the position of Hindu minority has become indescribably worse.  There had been  since Aug 1947 periodic programs for the decimation of  Hindus,  each followed by  false assurances and pacts for preventing  such  inhuman cruelties towards   Hindu  minority in future. After each pogram millions of Hindus  of east Pakistan / Bangladesh   had become refugees in West Bengal.

8. Bengal under Muslim Rule  since the 13th Century :

What hope then is there that the  13.1 mln Hindus  now in the  Islamic state of Bangla Desh will survive there and  for how long?  Remember that the  Muslim League was founded not in the  Muslim majority areas of present  Pakistan but in Dacca (Dhaka) in East Bengal in 1909; remember the Muslim League’s  start of Direct Action on 16 Aug 1946 had no takers in present day Pakistan but were in  Bengal’s capital , Calcutta under a Muslim League government and was followed by murderous holocaust of Hindus by Muslims in East Bengal’s Noakhali district.  Bengal was under Muslim rule since the  13th century till 1757 and thereafter,  Hindu -inimical, Muslim – favouring British rule till 1947.  Bengali speaking Muslims are  after the Arabs, the second largest ethnic Muslim group in the world. Indeed it is a miracle that Hindus as a minority in undivided Bengal survived as Hindus for centuries . The calamity started in 1946 in East Bengal and continues in spurts at intervals.  The East Bengal / Bangla Desh Hindus are  victims  of  Hindu indifference and Nehru’s and his  dynasty’s policies as rulers of India.  They are trapped – they will not be allowed  to  flee  - they are  impounded for forced conversion or eventual extermination .  India does not  allow those who attempt to cross over the  border; only infiltrating; Bangla Muslims are facilitated to cross-over by successive governments of West Bengal – 34 years of communists followed by Trinamul Congress from 20 May 2011. 

9. Not Sufficient and Effective Interest in India:  Few Indians are  taking  effective interest in saving their Hindu brethren from the  periodic unmitigated  misery of loot ,  arson, rape,  murder , destruction of their properties and places of worship  and decimation of the Hindu Buddhist population  in that country . In contrast,  is the interest that persons like Richard Benkin  and Tulasi Gabbard  have bene taking  interest in  mitigating the Hindu’ miseries  and securing for them human rights  . Millions  of Hinds fled form East Pakistan and flooded Calcutta and its  environs in 1971  to save themselves from extinction  at the hands of the  brutal Pakistan army and governor. Smt Indira Gandhi the Prime Minister took immense  interest  in the  plight of the Bangla Deshi  Hindus, went to important state capitals in the world appraised the governments there  about the immensity  of misery  and the problem of mitigating and finally  had successfully dismembered  the fascist government of Pakistan from East Bengal . That option is not available  now as     India’s inveterate enemies across the borders and their friends  elsewhere will not allow India to intervene   military or otherwise to save the unfortunate Hindus. They have only two options now.

·                     They may intend to flee into  India  but they would not be allowed ; they would be kept there  to be converted or killed  in stages through inhuman  acts  not stopped by the colluding government. In the  year 1988 the Constitution  of Bangla Desh was amended declaring Islam as the  state religion of  Bangla Desh and what happens in such an Islamic state   is very well known  - non-Muslims will be decimated . Those Hindus who may try to cross over  to India  will be  prevented by the   India’s Border  Security Force from  getting into Bharat.  The Hindus  therefore  are trapped  in Bangla Desh.


·         The Prime Minister who has been visiting several countries must once again go to important capitals  - USA, Russia, Germany, France, UK, Italy , Japan ,Indonesia  and  appraise countries and the people about the planned decimation and destruction  and  conversion  of Hindu and Buddhists in Bangla Desh and urge those countries to bring pressure upon Bangladesh  to ensure  human rights  to the religious minorities .


10. Universal Declaration of Human Rights ( UDHR) – UNO

     Islamic Declaration of Human Rights (IDHR)  - OIC

That the Hindu population has come down from over 30% in 1946 to 7.6% ( 13.1. mln in a total of 173 mln now  ( population density of  Bangla Desh is 1,177 per sq. km  - India’s  highest  is 1,175 in Bihar) proves the truth of the periodical pograms with state organs colluding in their organization.  The Islamist urge and compulsion that non non-Muslims-kafirs-shall exist in an Islamic State is as old as the first Islamic state established by the  Prophet.  It is theology-validated. We should note that while the United Nations Organizations adopted the  Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in 1948, the 62 member Organsiation of  Islamic Co-operation (OIC) has the Islamic Declaration of Human Rights . Muslims are  thus asserted to be different  from  other humans - the latter are kafirs, non-believers to be by different forms of jihad converted to Islam or decimated  ( as in Pakistan, Bangladesh and earlier in Lebanon).  In India the latest  jihads are love, land, vote and Urdu ( in UPSC).

11. Muslim Legue was founded  in Bengal not in any North West Province of India ( now Pakistan):   We may recall that the Muslim League in  (undivided) India was  founded  not in Punjab, Sindh, NWFP or Baluchistan but in Bengal’s Decca in 1909.  The first battle, for creation of  Pakistan and  division of India by the name Direct Action was not launched in what is now Pakistan but in undivided Bengal’s capital Kolkata , on 15 Aug 1946 . The battle engulfed most of North India.  The Calcutta battle was launched under the auspices of  Bengal’s Muslim League government !  Thus,  while the two-nation theory ( Muslims and Hindus are  two entirely separate nations) and Pakistan resolution (March 1940) were framed in India, the bugle for battle was sounded in Bengal’s Calcutta !  Calcutta’s Mayor now is a Muslim, Firhad Hakim under the patronage of Mamata Didi’s Trinamool Congress.  Calcutta and its environs  are now home to Bihari Muslims who first went to East Pakistan, (Bangladesh since 1971 December) and from there returned to Calcutta and its environs, to make the area an appendix to Bangladesh.  The 34 year long communist rule starting with Jyoti Basu in 1977 and the Trinamool Congress rule  since 2011 witnessed almost unhindered illegal immigration of Bangla Desh Muslims into west Bengal boosting the Muslim population proportions to 34% up from 17% in post 1947!  They constitute the vote bank for communists from 1977  and since 2011 to the Trinamool Congress.


12. The position of Hindus including Buddhists in Bangla Desh can be  summarized as follows:

·          They will continue to be decimated in waves periodically

·         They will not be suffered  to escape/ emigrate to India ( West Bengal or Assam)

·         They are targeted for  conversion to Islam or death

·         India’s Border Security Forces will not allow them to enter India

·         They are trapped

·         Hindu organsiations in Bharat and the USA and some western countries  will continue to make pro-forma noises and protests just like in regard to Kashmiri Pandits

·         Some Human Rights Organizations like those of  Richard Benkin and  Tulsi Gabbar  of the  US Hindu Congress-woman will speak for the Hindus of Bangla Desh.

·         If Indi raises the issue Bangla Desh will dismiss as interference in internal matters

·         China and Pakistan and the   “deep state”  in the USA will  happily provide  cover for Bangla Desh, in their opposition to India’s  rise as a global power.


What may now be done for Survival of Hindus in Bangla Desh:


·         India may propose that all the  remnant Hindus and  Buddhists and  other  minorities  may be resettled in a few districts of  Bangladesh  bordering  on India  and  for the right of India and other countries to intervene if their safety and life in dignity are  threatened  in Bangladesh  from whatever quarter the threat may come.

·         The issue may be raised in the  United Nations  General  Assembly and the Secularity Council and also with the UN’s High  Commissioner for Human Rights.

·         The case may be taken to the International Court of  Justice seeking  enforcement  of  human rights  and facilitate dignified life to the Hindus and  other religious  minorities in Bangladesh .

·         Bharat (India) may be officially declared as national home for all Hindus anywhere , all over the world  with the right to  Bharat’s citizenship, just as Israel  is the national home for every Jew anywhere in the world. 

·          If the oppression and  decimation of Hindus  continues, there maybe  uncontrollable  ill-consequences   to Indian Muslims  and the illegal Bangladesh Muslims and  Rohingyas in India.

·         There maybe  a peaceful exchange  of  the minorities  between India and Bangla Desh in proper  proportion,  especially the Muslims  in  Assam, West Bengal, Bihar  to be  exchanged  for the Hindus and Buddhists and Christians in Bangladesh.

·         Peaceful exchange of religious minority populations  has a historic precedent. On the dissolution of the  Ottoman Turkish Empire in the aftermath of  Turky’s defeat in World War-I , Christians in Turkey were exchanged  with Muslims in Greece and Bulgaria ,  parts  of both of which  were under  Turky . The population exchange  was  under the auspices of the  Post World War-I ( 1914 -19)  League of Nations  the organization similar to the post World War-II  ( 1939-45) United Nations Organization (UNO).



India and Hinduism are one

 After a study of some forty years and more of the great religions of the world, I find none so perfect none so scientific none so philosophical and none so spiritual than the great religion known by the name of Hinduism.

Make no mistake, without Hinduism, India has no future.  Hinduism is the soil into which India’s roots are stuck and torn out of that she will inevitably wither as a tree torn out from its place.  And if Hindus do not maintain Hinduism, who shall save it? If India’s own children do not cling to her faith, who shall guard it? India alone can save India and India and Hinduism are one.

- Annie Besant


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