Memoranda for Submission to the Chief Ministers of the Two Telugu States.


Building a Prosperous, Powerful and Ethical India to be Viswaguru Once Again


Building a Prosperous, Powerful and Ethical India

to be Viswaguru Once Again


(Sri Valluripalli Venkata Seshadri Rao Memorial  Silver Jubilee Endowment Oration

at Gudlavalleru Engineering College, 16 Feb 2024 )


-Dr T H Chowdary*


“India was the motherland of our race, and Sanskrit the mother of Europe’s languages; she was the mother of our philosophy; mother, through the Arabs, of much of our mathematics; mother, through the Buddha, of ideals embodied in Christianity; mother, through the village community, of self-government and democracy.  Mother India is in many ways the mother of us all”.
                                                                          - WILL DURANT

American  historian

(b.5/11/1885  d. 7/11/1981)


“Whenever I have read any part of the Vedas, I have felt that some unearthly and unknown light illuminated me.  In the great teaching of the Vedas, there is no touch of the sectarianism.  It is of ages, climes, and nationalities and is the royal road for the attainment of the Great Knowledge.  When I am at it, I feel that I am under the spangled heavens of a summer night”.

                                                                         - HENRY DAVID THOREAU

American  philosopher

(b. 12/7/1817  d. 16/5/1862)



“If I were to look  over the whole world to find out the country most richly endowed with all the wealth, power and beauty that nature can bestow-in some parts a very paradise on earth - I should point to India.  If I were to asked under what sky the human mind has most fully developed the choicest gifts, has most deeply pondered on the greatest problems of life, and has found solution of some of them which well deserve the attention even of those who have studied Plato and Kant - I should point to India.  And if I were to ask myself from what literature we here in Europe, we who have been nurtured almost exclusively on the thought of Greeks and Romans, and of one Semitic race, the Jewish, may draw that corrective which is most wanted in order to make our inner life more truly human, a life not for this life only, but a transfigured and eternal life -- again I should point to India”.

-          MAX MULLER

British philologist and Orientalist of German origin

(b. 6/12/1823  d. 20/10/1900)

We owe a lot to Indians, who taught us how to count, w/o which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made”...

                        I have made the  Gita as the  main source of my inspiration and  guide for the  purpose of scientific investigation and formation of my theories.

-Albert Einstein

German-born theoretical physicist  - Theory of relativity (b. 14/3/1879  d. 18/4/1955)


“India is becoming the  sink of the World’s gold”

                                                                        -  Pliny, Roman Philosopher (b 79AD)

Bharat was not poor:

India has been one of the  two,( the other one was China)  wealthiest countries in the world till the first  decade of the  18th century. As long as in 74 AD, Pliny the great historian of  Rome wrote, “India is becoming the sink of the world’s gold”.  We were the largest exporting country in the  world, receiving payments in gold.  India and China, each had  about 25% of the world’s GDP and 25% of the world trade.  India  had the most powerful navy of the world, that of the  imperial Cholas who established their rule as Sailendra and  Sri Vijaya Kingdoms ( modern Indonesia and Malaysia, Kampuchea and Vietnam).


All this glory and  wealth declined and disappeared due to wars against invader looters-rulers and their residues, Resident -Non-Indians (RNIs) over nine centuries  (11th to 20th) .  When the  foreign rule ended in 1947, India’s share in world’s wealth and trade was abysmally at about 2% for the  world’s 20% of the  population.


2. When the engineering college  was being   planned for Gudlavalleru  some people wondered whether a village could be a proper place for an  engineering  college. There are  no industries , no big businesses and  is there a proper  ambiance for an engineering college?  The answer I used to give was  that Birla’s  planned an engineering  college in Pilani  in Rajasthan. They difficult to approach  there were no industries  that too it is in the middle  of very poor  country side. But  Birla Institute of Technology & Science (BITS) has  become a bye-word  for excellence and under the same  banner latter   it had  its likes  under the  same name .  It is  now available in a number of cities . What is necessary is   what are the facilities   for the students ,  what is the  equipment  for the laboratories ,  how qualified and dedicated are the  teaching staff  are what determine  the name and  fame of  an institution. If  it fosters research   and creation of knowledge and its dissemination  it would justify its  existence in the  rural area besides   how does it contribute to the  intellectual and aspirational  stimulus for the rural families.  On all these counts the  Gudlavalleru Engineering College (GEC) has  justified itself  and that it is now an autonomous college  from where number of  Ph.Ds  are coming and   ranking companies  are  visiting to have  campus  recruitment are tributes  with the founders to the  management and the  academic and other staff of this  college. On this occasion on its  Silver Jubilee  I congratulate  the founders , the teachers and the supporting staff for the eminence that this college has attained.


3. India is  discovering itself and therefore  it is much more appropriate to call this  country Bharat  which is  the inheritor  of   its  centuries  -long glory until the ravages of  intolerant and exploitative foreign powers had   intruded into this  county looted & destroyed its  treasures   and what is worse  has even colonized the minds of its people into forgetfulness of its glorious past  and  induced imitation .  It  will be  right to recall as what we were and what should be done to  recapture  the great heights economically and philosophically  the country once attained.


4. Bharat Mahan:  Some of the great builders of  Mahabharat


Ø  Jamsetji N Tata   (b. 3/3/1839  d. 19/5/1904) was the Indian pioneer industrialist who founded the Tata Group, India's biggest conglomerate company.  He established the  Cotton Mills in 1878, Steel Mills , TISCO in Jamshedpur (1904) , Hydro Power  - The Andhra Valley Power Corporation  , Indian Institute of Science (1911) ; Taj Mahal Hotel (1903),  Scholarship fund for Indians to quality for ICS - study in UK. Jamshedji Tata is regarded as the legendary Father of Indian Industry.     




Freedom without  Supportive Strength

Freedom without the strength to support it and,  if need be, defend it, would be a cruel delusion.  And the strength to defend freedom can itself only come from widespread industrialization and  the  infusion of modern science and  technology into the  country’s economic life.


Ø  JRD Tata ( b. 29/7/1904   d. 29/11/1993)  was  the  Indian aviator, industrialist, entrepreneur and Chairman of Tata Group. Born into the Tata Family of India, he was the son of noted businessman Ratanji Dadabhoy Tata and his French wife . He was born in Paris (France), a French citizen, served in the French Amry before coming to India.  He renounced his French citizenship in 1929. He joined the Tata company in 1925.  He was  elevated to the Board  in 1926.


He founded dozens of  Tata companies during his more than 50 years of  stewardship  to utilise our national resources into products  for the prosperity of India .  Indian Airlines, Air India  are the  best known ( nationalized  but ultimately privatized recently) .

He has no academic degree but was superior to any and every academician in several faculties. 

He advocated family planning ( despite Jawaharlal Nehru’s expressed disapproval)  to prevent the run-away growth of population,  militating against  prosperity for Indian  families.   He received United Nation’s award  for work in this regard.


He received two of India's highest civilian awards the Padma Vibhushan (1955) and the Bharat Ratna (1992).  He is the only industrialist-  businessman who got the Bharat Ratna.  Upon his death ( 29/11/1993 ), the Indian Parliament was adjourned in his memory – an honour not usually given to persons who are not members of parliament.


Ø  Bharata Ratna  Sir M Visvesvaraya  ( b. 15/9/1861  d. 14/4/1962) was the  first engineer who became Chief Minister ( Diwan) of a state, Mysore. Doctors became  Chief Ministers galore but not engineers.  The other  engineers who became not Chief Minister  but the President of the country was Dr APJ Kalam.  He hailed from   a poor Telugu  Brahmin family whose  ancestors migrated from the  village Mokshagundam in Kurnool district to the  environs of  Bengaluru , Karnataka.  He was an engineer from the famous  college of engineering Pune.  He started his carrier in Nasik. Sindh was part of Bombay Presidency There he constructed the  Sukkur barrage  (1894 at the  age 33) where  he earned his  spurs.  Coming back to  Mysore he was responsible for industrializing  and building  up the  prosperity  by using State’s nature  resources . He built the Krishna Raja Sagar barrage on the  River Kaveri. Brining irrigation  facilities  to a parched region Mandya  district.  He  built the   Bhadravati Iran and  Steel Company, Mysore Sandel Oil and  Soap  factory.  He launched the Mysore   University and  founded the  Bank of Mysore .  He was chief engineer  of Mysore (1809) at age 48.   He was Diwan ( at the age 51) from 1912  till 1918.  He was knighted  by King George-V. In 1915 at age 54 the Nizam  utilized his services  to plan and executed a flood protection system in 1915. He founded the All Indian Manufacturers  Association  and wrote   a series of papers for a planned industrialization of the country.  He was a visionary engineer statesmen.  Bharat honoured him  by  conferring the Bharata  Ratna in the year 1955 at his age 94.  The devoted Brahmin engineer planner,  Chief Minister, statesman and   visionary  lived  for a  101 years passing away in the year 1962.  The engineering fraternity of Bharat, Sri Lanka, and Tanzania observes his    Birthday 25 Sept as the Engineers Day.



Ø  Homi J. Bhabha   ( b. 30/10/1909  d. 24/1/1966)   was the Indian nuclear physicist who is widely credited as the "father of the Indian nuclear programme". He was the founding director and professor of physics at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), as well as the founding director of the Atomic Energy Establishment, Trombay (AEET) which was renamed the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre  (BARC) in his honour. The BARC was launched on 3 Jan 1954.  He confidently asserted that he could  build an atomic bomb in 3 months that  was  in 1950s .  Bharat tested a nuclear device  on May 18,1 974 in Pokhran , Rajasthan.  Interestingly  it was a smiling Buddha.  An Atomic  bomb   was  tested   on 11 & 13 of May 1998.   Truly can it be said  that this  Parsi son  Homi Jahangir Bhabha  was a visionary  who infused hope and confidence into Bharat’s scientists. He  died  18 days  after claiming that he could  build  an  atomic  bomb  in the crash of an Air India flight 101 on  Mont Blanc  in Switzerland  on the  24 of Jan 1966.  Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR)  was  founded in  1945 at the instance of Homi J. Bhabha, a noted atomic scientist as the first Director.    TIFR spawned  the BARC, ECIL among others.


Ø  Vikram Sarabhai (b. 12/8/1919  d. 30/12/1971) was the Indian physicist and astronomer who initiated space research and helped to develop nuclear power in India. His Karma Bhoomi was Ahmadabad . ISRO set up at the  initiative  of Dr. Vikram Sarabhai in 1962. He was honoured with Padma Bhushan in 1966 and the Padma Vibhushan (posthumously) in 1972.   I had a pleasant experience with him. I took over charge of the   battered Ahmadabad Telephones  in the  first week of  1971. A few days after that  he sent  for me and he gave me an inspiring  message and  task and said that we should meet every fortnight. Alas ! that was not to be because he passed away at the  end of  that month itself.  His wife,  Mrinalini was a great Bharatanatyam dancer  and a noble hostess. The Sarabhais in Ahmedabad are great industrialists and Anusyabehn  Sarabhai was a labour leader.


Ø  A.P.J Abdul Kalam (b. 15/10/1931  d.17/7/2015) While no engineer became  the  Chief Minister and engineer that became  the  Rashtrapati of  Bharat  was  Dr APJ Abdul Kalam.  He was born in a poor Muslim family in Rameswaram where his father was selling flowers to the Hindu pilgrims  visiting the  famous Rameswaram temple.  He got his engineering degree from the first privately established  engineering college,  The Madras Institute of Technology (MIT)  in Guindy , Chennai.   Dr APJ Kalam and the Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) where he spent all his carrier in government  service are synonyms. He known as the Missile Man.  He familiared him with all the missiles  used in the  Mahabharata  war. So this missile  man named  all the  missiles after those  in the  Mahabharata war  -  Agni,  Prithvi, Thrishul, Akash, Nag….  Besides being a scientist engineer he was a visionary   dreaming to build a powerful and prosperous and united Bharat.   When he  became the  Rashtrapati  he loved  to share his knowledge and vision with the  young in the  country.  As a Rashtrapati  he toured the country extensively addressing  young  students  in high schools and   colleges to inspire them to acquire  knowledge and build a powerful and prosperous and united  country . He worked closely with and for ISRO.   He was honored by the  Rashtrapati of Bharat with Padma Bhushan in 1981 and  Padma Vibhushan in 1990 and  Bharat Ratna in 1997.



I cherish my association with this great soul.  When I was conducted a meeting to the  Vice Chancellors  of  AP,  I admitted him to address them.   During the  Question & Answer   session  one Vice Chancellor   asked how corruption could be removed. On the dais   on one side of the  Rashtrapati was the governor on the  other side Chief Minister and myself.  Dr APJ Kalam looked at the  governor askance .There is no response  he looked  at the  Chief Minister there was no response. Then he answered  . There are only two people  who have the   power  to curb corruption in the bud    – the Mother and the  teacher ! 


At another session on  another  occasion when I  invited him to address the teachers   of  secondary schools from government and private institution . The question by everybody was,  “why in government  schools  the performance is poor and  why it is far better in private  schools ?   The discussions were frank. And the noble Dr Kalam inspired the teachers and instructed them that they are responsible along with mothers for  turning out the  young  into  noble  persons. He is an absolute  example of  integrity  as  a President he did not want to spend  government money  for giving  Iftar party ( to Muslims during Ramzan).  He used his money from his  personal account gave it  to his Secretary and asked him to spend at a mosque.


His brothers  and other  relatives came  to Rashtrapati Bhavan to see Delhi.  He spent his   personal money for their travel, he paid for all the charges for the Guest houses and food that was  given to them  and  engaged  a private bus to take  the visitors round the city. Is there any parallel to Dr APJ Kalam’s incorruptibility and integrity ?


He was the  dreamer and  induced to dare  to dream and  accomplished.   He invented the word imagineering  - young should have imagination and the  engineering talent to realise their  dreams for a glorious  Bharat.


It is unfortunate that his  co-religionists did not  consider him a Muslim because he did not marry and have children.



Ø  Dhirubhai Ambani (b. 28/12/1932  d. 6/7/2002)  was born in a poor Gujarat family . In his youth he migrated to  Aden (the gateway to the sewage canal in the South Western tip of  Yemen) .They worked at a gas filling station.  After a few years he returned to Gujarat and in Ahmedabad he  was selling cloth !   From such humble origins he has built   by dreaming and labouring to build the  Reliance  Empire in India.  In 1977  he started the  Reliance Industries.  Every bank he approach refuse to give any loan or  put an investment.  He vowed  that he would make the citizens of India  investors and  dealers in the Stock Market.   He  got the  Vimal Cloth Stores all over the  country as  his canvas was  for investment. Millions  put in the  money. One rupee share  in  1977 is  now  aiding at Rs. 3,500  and over a time bonus shares had given .  His elder son Mukhesh  Ambani  is as good a dreamer as father . The Reliance industries is  into    oil refinery, power production, gas and oil prospecting  and to cap them all  telecommunications.  The R-Jio  launched  in 2016  is made  a disrupted debut into mobile  telephony and data  internet services.  I was Advisor  to the Reliance  in 1994.   I saw Dhirubhai at work and  instructing his sons.  Reliance decided to  get into telecoms. They would  bid for licenses. Myself  , Anil Ambani and a  former Secretary of  Finance of the  GOI  went to the  AT&T in the  USA and  forged  a MOU for a joint venture.   Officials of the  AT&T  had  a return visit.  There was a meeting with  Dhirubhai. The AT&T team was vaxing eloquently about the  extensive  share holding and  how  many American  families look forward to  annual  dividend that AT&T pays.  Dhirubhai condemned  short and   said in  India  people do not invest for dividend ,  they invest for growth. They were stuck and came to the  conclusion that  Dhirubai would  outfit them   and therefore  they withdrew from the  alliance.  Dhirubhia on my advice  declared, “ We will make telephony  cheaper than a post card and at  the same price all over India” The R-Jio is living upto that. It is now   the premier telecom company in the country  ahead of  earlier  entrance and squelching all but   three rivals  two of which are   loss-makers and  highest-debt holders . The  Reliance companies are now   competing with the TCS in having the highest stock market valuation  each at about  Rs. 15 lakh cr .


  In 2016, he was honoured posthumously with the Padma Vibhushan, India's second-highest civilian honour for his contributions to trade and industry.


Ø  Bhogaraju Pattabhi Sitaramayya ( b. 24/11/1880  d. 17/12/1959) was one of the great  leaders of the Indian National Congress and a  leading activist in the  freedom struggle . He saw the need for economic development of the  country . So, he founded  the Andhra  Bank in Machilipatnam  ( 28/11/1923). The Andhra  Scientific Company  (  9/4/1937) which was  taken over by  the Bharat Electronics in 1982 and  Andhra Insurance Company, Krishna Jilla Co-Operative Bank in Krishna District and Bhagyalakshmi Bank. These commercial ventures  show  Dr Pattabhi’s foresight in the task to build an economically  strong  Bharat .


Ø  Swami Vivekananda (b. 12/1/1863   d. 4/5/1902 ) was India’s great Hindu monk, philosopher who  with his address  at the Parliament of  the World’s Religions on 11/9/1893 in Chicago, USA with  the opening words , “Sisters and Brothers of America” established him as India’s  philosophical, cultural and  dharmic nationalist herald  of Bharat’s  millennial civilization, culture & dharma.  Young Bharateeyas take inspiration  from his speeches  to build  Bharat Mahan. When Sri Eknath Ranade requested the permission of the  government of India  to erect  the Vivekananda Rock Memorial  off Kanyakumari the then “secular” Education Minister  Humayun Kabir in Nehru’s cabinet turned it down. Sri Ranade collected  signatures of 350 MPs in an appeal to Nehru for the  permission.  Nehru had to give it.


Ø  G D Birla (b. 10/4/1894  d. 11/6/1983)  was not only a businessman and industrialist he supported Bharat’s freedom movement  by significantly financing the Indian National Congress.  (The House of Bajaj was another  which  financed the Congress movement). Sri Birla founded the  Birla College of Engineering in 1946 and Birla Institute of  Technology and Science (BITS ), Pilani in 1964  which has through its several campuses  in Bharat has been promoting high caliber technical education.  To build up economic strength of  Bharat he  founded the United Commercial Bank (UCO Bank) in 1943. Besides several industrial companies  he has also built up  what have come to be known as Birla Mandirs in several cities like Delhi & Hyderabad.  He was honored by the  Rashtrapati of Bharat with the  award Padma Vibhushan in 1957.


Ø  Verghese Kurian  ( b. 26/11/21    d. 9/9/2012) was the  engineer from my Alma mater College of  Engineering Guindy,  Chennai.  He organized  the dairy farmers in Gujrat and in a challenge and defiance  of the then dominant British company Polson in this sector .  He built up the prosperity  of  cattle owners and made his  Amul brand of  butter overtake  the  British company Polson. He is rightly called the “Father of The White Revolution” (just as Sri  B V Rao is called the “Father of Poultry Industry” in Bharat).


He was awarded Ramon Magsaysay Award in 1964 and World Food Prize in 1989. In 1999, he received Padma Vibhushan. He was conferred the Order of Agricultural Merit by the French Government in 1997.

5. National Population Policy:

In 2023 India’s population was at  1430 mln; we overtook the world’s most populist country  China. Is this a matter of rejoicing or  critical evaluation.   If  that  population is so many mouths to feed and  bodies  to  clothe  and house , it is a disaster. But  if those  numbers are   that many intelligent, inquisitive and  inventive  minds  then the population is a  great asset. Government of India  is giving food stuffs for over  800 mln (  nearly 760%)  people for the last few years.  Millions live  in hovels  but not in houses  with  necessary amenities.  The population of Uttar Pradesh today  at over 220 mln   is what the whole of  undivided India  had in the year 1901.  We have been  adding  nearly 10  mln people per year  and even as  the  total  fertility rate  has been  coming down, because the base has been expanding  , the number of people  being added has not been  diminishing.  The area of the  country does not  increase beyond the 3.4 mln sq. kmts. The population  density  of  India in 1951 was 117 and  now  in 2021 it is 425 per sq. mts.  The poverty and the  density are  very well related.  Bihar has the   highest population density  1,100 people per sq. kmts and they are having  the lowest PCI of  Rs. 57,000 and the lowest  telephone  penetration  of 55 per 100 people while the  PCI of Bharat is  over   Rs. 1,85,000 and the  telephone density  is  85% at  end of Sept 2023 . What is worse is,  while the population as a proportion  of the total of the  well- to-do people is   declining   that of the  have- nots has been   increasing,  requiring  the  government to spend more and more  on welfare  to the extent that the state and Union governments  have to transfer money  into  what have come to be  known as DBT-  direct bank transfers of cash.  The    target of  doubling the farmer’s  income is not being  achieved by  larger production  fetching higher  but by   input subsidies by the state and Union governments.


6. Prime Minister had been frequently  mentioning that  in the last 9.5 years India’s economy  has gone up from the   11th position to the 5th position in the  world  (see table below). It is not only the  amount of GDP that matters , more importantly as far as the peoples’ wellbeing is concerned in the  per capita income.   One can see form the  table  ours is a miserable  $ 2,643 compare to  China’s , USA and other  top 5 countries. 

The World’s Top Five Economies







GDP ($ Trln)






Pop (mln)

333 mln





Per Capita GDP ($)







7. China’s PCI  until the  late 1980s  was  less than that of  India. But today  it is  4.8 times more than India .  The reason is,  from the  1970s onwards  Chian has adopted a population policy that is  related to its economic wellbeing and its  aspiration to be a great  power which it was once  like Bharat at the beginning  of the 18th century . In 1980 one child-norm  and  from the year 2016  two-children  policy  and  now  people getting exhorted to   have   three- children . All this is related to  the  economic growth . China now has the world’s second  highest  GDP ($ 17.52 trillion)  after the  US.  Even then because of its population its  PCI is  $ 12,621.721  in Dec 2023  much less than that of the  most prosperous countries like  the USA , Japan and Germany  . The lesson is that, it is not  only   the amount of GDP  that is  significant but  the PCI . Although India’s GDP $ 3.7 trillion, the fifth largest economy, the  PCI  is  very low that of  USA  and China. 


8. The most troubling problem of  unemployment in this country especially of the young  will be   troubling us and create political instability and rise of the  populist  regional politicians.   Government’s  do not create wealth. They are to facilitate  the creation of  wealth by the  individual and corporate efforts of   well -educated  and motivated people.  Scientists, engineers and technicians  of  good quality are required to convert natural resources including that of sun  in the skies, water in the  oceans  and minerals  from  underground.  In this respect the  quantity  and  quality of our engineers is very  important . India is now producing  15 lakhs of  engineers per year.  The number is not equal by any country in the world or any combination of  any number of countries. The sad fact however is  employables  among them are  under 15%.  Thinking that they don’t have skills this country as embarked upon a great skilling effort . We have   even created Skill Development Ministry in the Union government and there is  talk  of even  Skill Development University!  We now have  millions of certified (as engineers) but not  qualified for doing any engineering.  Welfare measures like enabling  everybody  to go to colleges including  engineering and other professions with fee reimbursement as a social  welfare measure,  has not been producing  enough desired consequences.


9. A proper population policy that is related to our economy just as in China  must be  adopted without any further  delay. Another depression fact about the population growth is that, it is  not among the well -to-do education  and wealth wise families but among the  poor and among certain  ill-intentioned  section  of our population.  This is to be corrected.  

10. Finally, Bharat was great; it will be greater and a Viswaguru if we draw inspiration  from what we had been till we went under foreign rule of  plunderers, iconoclasts, theologically inspired and  talked intolerant  hordes.

Let me end this with the  very eternally valid advice of  Abraham Lincon.


“You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.

You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.

You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.

You cannot establish sound security on borrowed money.

You cannot keep out trouble by spending more than you earn.

You cannot build character and  courage

    by taking away man’s initiative and independence.                                        

You cannot help men permanently by doing for them

What they could do for themselves.” 

- Abraham Lincoln

(Source:  Freedom First, May 1989)



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