Memoranda for Submission to the Chief Ministers of the Two Telugu States.


An Appreciation




Dt:  17/1/124

An Appreciation


Dr T H Chowdary


Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.


– George Santayana (1863-1952)


"Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present

       controls the past."

-          George Orwell (1903-1950)


India’s aspiration for eventual freedom from British  imperial rule found   expression  with the founding of the  Indian National Congress (INC ) in Dec 1885 and was realized on the  15 Aug 1947.  From petitions, memoranda and resolutions   in the  annual gatherings  in the formative years by English -educated  gentleman  (mostly lawyers and  learned  persons  through  non-cooperation and civil disobedience movements  and mass jail going  through   mutinies  in Royal Indian Navy, Royal Indian Air Force and most impressively,  the emergence of the  Indian National Army (INA) raised and led by Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose which fought  the British Indian  Army  in alliance  with the  Japanese  Army at Bharat’s north-eastern gateway  towns Imphal and Kohima  and the exhaustion of Great Britain by the  end of the Second World War  (1939-45) led to the transfer of  power   by England  on 14 Aug 1947  to Pakistan  comprising the  Muslim majority areas in the  north-west and the east of the  country   and to India of Hindu majority  on the  15  Aug 1947 . 



2. Undivided  India’s struggle for  freedom from British rule  was marked  by communal strife  between Muslims, (90% of whom  are the progeny of  Hindus  converted to Islam  by Muslim invader – settler -rulers  from Islamised West and Central Asia) and  Bharat’s Hindus. Allah’s messages to Prophet Mohammad  as recorded  in the Koran , the Sunna and  Hadiths of the Prophet enjoin jihad by Muslims everywhere to convert people of other faiths or enslave or finish them off.  Therefore Hindu-Muslim  unity to get rid of  Britain’s rule  in India  was impossible .  It was amply clear  by the pronouncements  of  Sir Sayyed Ahmed Khan (1817-1898);  Sri Mohammad Iqbal (1877-1938); Maulana Mohammad Ali (1878-1931) ;  Mohammad Ali Jinnah (1876-1948);  the most influential and  revered and commemorated  leaders of  Muslims . Maulana  Abul Kalam Azad (given name : Gulam Muhiuddin Ahmed born in Mecca -  1888-1958) was merely a Muslim  leader  of Congress of predominantly Hindus .   He had little following among Muslims .

 3. Narratives of  India’s freedom movement  by professional historians , especially  by the  mutually- styled  “eminent”  Marxist historians[(Romila Thapar, Irfan Habib, S.Gopal, R.S.Sharma, Bipan Chandra, Sumit Sarkar -  prominent  captors of the  Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR) ] are mainly ideology- based   and agenda-promotive.  Professional historians of integrity and reputation  like  Sir Jadunath Sarkar and Dr R C Majumdar  whose  researches  included Indian sources  besides Persian , Arabic, British  and other  European sources, were relegated by the “secular” Nehruvian power-wielders and captors of the  ICHR.    The histories  written and  taught and patronized  since  independence  till a few years ago  have thus been and so far  are “secular” ; that is, Islamic rule  rationalizing,  Bharateeya nationalism  - undermining  and Hinduism  - trivializing.  All of these  including the contents of  Nehru’s  ‘Discovery of India” and his  letters to his daughter  Priyadarshini Indira are all Bharat  and Hindu  - trivializing ,   Islamic -rule and temple destruction rationalizing.

4. Kulapati  K M Munshi , statesman, scholar, eminent lawyer, founder  of  Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan,  visionary and the Sardar Patel-inspired  and initiated reconstructor of the  famed Somnath temple  in 1951    has written the two-volume  “Pilgrimage to Freedom”  book dealing  mainly with the proximate   events  especially with India’s constitution making .

5. Dr Raja Bhaumik’s  two-Volume, 846 pages book “ Journey to India’s Freedom: 1858-1948: An  Untold Story”  is an extraordinary  book because  the author is not  a professional  historian but  practising  medical doctor  who  influenced by the phenomenon of  Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose and the  INA  and inquisitive ( credulous)  about the officially  propagated  fable  about  his death  in an  aircraft crash  undertook to study the  prominent persons and their roles  in India’s journey to freedom from the  British colonial rule  based on documents  related to  and emanating from the prominent persons  -   Vice Roy cum Governors General ,  leaders of the  INC  and its  offshoots  like Swaraj Party;  Muslim League and  other  Muslim parties ;  Hindu Mahasabha;  Akali Dal . While  professional historians,  especially  the  Marxists of JNU and their   cohorts  in the  Alighar Muslim University (AMU)  presented  events  and  interpreted them in the light of their ideologies and  agendas.  Dr Bhaumik wrote  the  facts, leaving  interpretation and conclusions to the  reader.   That shows intellectual  honesty and  independent  study  


6. The contents of  Dr Raja Bhaumik’s  two volumes  are authenticated by extensive  bibliography  covering  102 books ,  23 PDF sources and  103  articles on the  Internet.  I have an extensive collection  of books referring to India’s struggle for  freedom, especially  the three-volume “ the History of  the  Indian National Congress “ by one of its great leaders and  once President of the  Congress ,  Dr B Pattabhi Sitaramaiah; who like Dr K M Munshi  with his  two-volume  “Pilgrimage to Freedom”  was also an important participant  in the   pilgrimage.  Dr  Raja Bhaumik’s  book will be   a valuable addition  to my as well as anybody’s collection of books  on history.

7.  I congratulate Dr Raja Bhaumik for his  extensive study  and excellent presentation of  India’s historic and turbulent journey to freedom  involving  Muslim separatism , Gandhiji’s irrational  and fruitless appeasement of  Muslims in the  misplaced  hope  of forging  Hindu-Muslim unity  and  avoiding partition of India.  The mainly one-way transfer , rather expulsion  of  minority  Hindu and  Sikh populations from Pakistan and Bangladesh has left the Muslim problem in Inda  as it was  , in fact,  more acute than  before partition. The prophetic expression  of Dr B R Ambedkar  that India    may be  “ independent but not free  “  because Muslims  have increased from under  10%  in 1951 to 17.5%  ( or even more), if the millions  of Bangladeshi Muslim infiltrators  and their   cousins, the  Rohingyas are  also included ) . I will end this  long appraisal of  Dr Raja Bhaumik’s excellent book with Dr Ambedkar’s  cautious   warning about  Muslim problem in  India in his 1945  book , “Pakistan or Partition of India”.

Pakistaniat as DNA

 “I do not  think the  demand  for Pakistan is  the  result of mere  political distemper, which will pass away with the  efflux of time.  As I read the  situation, it seems to me that it is a characteristic in the  biological sense of the  term which  the  Muslim body politic has developed in the   same  manner as an  organism develops a characteristic. Whether it will survive or not, in the  process of natural  selection, must  depend upon the  forces that may become  operative in the  struggle for  existence  between Hindus and Musalmans

- Dr. Ambedkar  in the  book, “Pakistan or  the Partition of India ”


8. I also look forward  to another book in writing from  Dr Raja Bhaumik that deals with  the myth of    Netaji’s death in an  air crash. I guess  it will be a veritable  mine of facts.  Readers of  Dr Bhaumik’s books will  , I hope   see the  web of lies propagated so far about Hindu-Muslim unity, “composite” culture , “socialism”,  “sarava dharma  samabhava”  and Netaji Subhash Bose’s death in an  aircraft crash in 1945.  (1,189 words)