Memoranda for Submission to the Chief Ministers of the Two Telugu States.


Communist Parties CPI & CPM in Telangana

Dt:  5/12/23

Communist Parties CPI & CPM in Telangana

Dr T H Chowdary*


The  Secretaries  of the CPI and CPM give  statements  almost  every week and sometimes, every day. The CPI  State Secretary is Com. Kunamaneni Sambasiva Rao. The national General Secretary Com. Narayana supplements the statements  given by Com. Kunamaneni


2. The CPM too is a frequent issuer of  statements . Its  Secretary is  Com. Tammineni Veerabhadram.  Both these parties  repeatedly  express their prime desire  to defeat the “communal” BJP. They never denounce  the AIMIM which  totally is a Muslim party deriving its  descent  from  the Razakars of   1930-1948 Sept 17,  In fact,  after the  defeat of the Razakars and the Nizam’s army and the integration of the  Nizam’s territory with Bharat on the 17th of  Sept 1948, the Razakars made over their arms and ammunition to the  communist party which was not split then.  The Communists who were then against Hyderabad’s accession to Bharat  carried on the guerrilla  war this time against the  Union of India   until Sept 1951.


3. In the  2018  elections to the  Telangana State Legislature  the two communist parties forged two separate alliances  to take on the  Congress , TRS and the BJP.  Each alliance  had more than  dozen parties as partners.  The about two score candidates each alliance put up, in the 2018 election every  candidate lost his  deposit . These  deposit-  losers swore to fight the “communal” BJP.


4. In the  2023 Nov 30,  election to the State legislature  the two communist parties  again  fought separately.  This time both of them bargained with the TRS/ BRS for  seats on the  plea that they supported  the BRS candidate in the  bye-election  in Munugodu  constituency  in 2022. Both claimed  that victory of the BRS defeating the BJP candidate was due to  their support  to  the  BRS.   With this claim, they asked the TRS   to give them four seats each in the elections in  Nov 30, 2023. The TRS rejected their claims holding that their support is insignificant.


5. Rebuffed thus by the former lover , both the CPI and the CPM approached the Congress in 2023 requesting  it to give four  seats each. The Congress  was reluctant. It was indicating that it would give  no more than one or two seats each.  In the event,  the TRS/BRS gave only one seat  and that was to Com. Kunamaneni of  the CPI in Kothagudem.  The Congress did not give any seat to the  CPM .


6. Therefore the CPM stitched up another  alliance of several parties  and put up candidates in 19 constituencies.  It lost deposits in every one of them.  The CPI gave a statement that “democracy has won” .  The CPM gave a statement that  the  dictatorial rule  of the BRS  has been ended” with the  defeat of the BRS, its former partner / patron at the  hands of the Congress.


7. The CPM got its  bigwigs, Com.Yechuri , Brunda Karat,  Com. Raghavan and some others  to campaign for the CPM candidates. The CPI  entreated  Priyanka Gandhi to campaign  for it in the Kothagudem Constituency. It also got its  national Secretary Com. Raja and Narayana to campaign in Kothagudem.  The vote share of  each of these parties is  less than 0.1% and yet  they brag  that they would defeat the “communal BJP” everywhere in the country.  Their vote share in other states in the parliament elections in 2018 were:  
















Source: Eenadu 22-10-2023


The BJP- bashing CPM’s vote share in the  Telangana elections in 30 Nov 2023 was 0.22% !


8. The history of the communist parties  is a dismal one. The CPI  supported Indira Gandhi’s  Emergency in  June 1975- March 77. In fact,  it infiltrated no less than  its  Central Committee member Com. Moham Kumara Mangalam into the Indira Congress and into  her cabinet even. When the Congress got  a drubbing in the  elections  after the Emergency was lifted, the CPI shamelessly passed a resolution at its  Congress in 1978 in Bhatinda regretting its support to  Indira’s Emergency rule.


9. The CPM was opposed to Indira’s Emergency rule  and also to the CPI’s collaboration with Indira Gandhi.  These two parties   frequently announce that all left parties should  come together to strengthen the “secular, progressive, democratic” forces  opposed to the “communal” BJP. But the fact is, that they themselves won’t merge. Their  statements that all the left forces should  come together to defeat  the “communal” BJP have not resulted in these two  main communist parties  (out of  a dozen are so  of them in the  country)  have been remaining  separate as  statement parties. They come together  in West Bengal and Kerala.  They got routed in West Bengal  in several  elections at the   hands of the  Trinamul Congress.  In Tripura also they lost their hold  in the last two elections to the Parliament and the legislature . In Kerala, with the  support of   Muslims and a section of  Christians they  now and then come to power . 


10. In Kerala ( perhaps even in West Bengal and Tripura)  when they are in power  a nefarious  practice of them  is, as revealed by the Governor, Arif Mohammad Khan,  that each Minister appoints  two  private secretaries  of his  choice for a term of  two years and after their retirement, they get  life time pension. That is how Communists have been creating life-time communist party workers at government expense.  If this is not corruption, what else is corruption?  Strange are the  doings of the   two main communist parties . One of the other ten communist parties has a few MLAs in alliance with Lalloo Prasad’s  RJD and Nitish Kumar’s  JD(U) .  (910 words)