Memoranda for Submission to the Chief Ministers of the Two Telugu States.


The Communist Record - Do You Know?

Dt:  10/8/23

The Communist Record - Do You Know?

-Dr T.H.Chowdary*


In the  1940s the Communist Party of India (CPI) fervently demanded the dismemberment  of  the  country.  In the pamphlet “Pakistan  and the  National Unity  published in Dec 1943 Com. G Adhikari  a noted theoretician of the  CPI  wrote:  "For the solution of communal problem in India we must turn to the Marxist Leninist teachings on the question, the Stalinist application to Russia, viz. "the right of all nationalities forming part of Russia to freely secede and, form independent states, was to be recognised.... To begin with it is quite clear that India was not a nation from time immemorial, from the days of Ashoka and Akbar. Nation building in India begins with the advent of capitalism! This takes place in India with the British conquest!.... Stalin said as early as in 1925, now-a-days India is spoken of as a single whole.  Yet there can hardly be any doubt that in the case of a revolutionary upheaval in India many hitherto unknown nationalities each with its own language and its own distinctive culture, will emerge on the scene.....The grant of self determination to the Muslim nationalities has, however, nothing to do with Pan- Islamism. Mr. Jinnah has defined the Pakistan state and resisted attempts to define it as a Muslim theocratic state as Hukumate-e-Ilahiya. Only the enemies of unity equate Pakistan with Pan-Islamism and impute extraterritorial loyalty to Muslim league patriots....Punjab Muslims up to Sutlej were a distinct nationality. That is why we grant the right of self-determination to this Muslim nationality of Western Punjab. The Sikhs and the Hindus in the eastern districts of the Punjab can easily come to settlement with Muslims of the western districts. They can thus form a united autonomous Punjab with the right to secede from the rest of India. Then these states (Bengal, Sind ,Punjab, Baluchisthan, Pathanisthan) can be autonomous and sovereign and form the federation within an Indian Union or they may secede and from their federation without”.


2. Com P.C. Joshi, General Secretary of  the CPI, wrote in the Party's organ: "Pakistan is as much the inalienable right of Muslims as Swaraj is the right of us all. Self-determination is not the right to vote, but the recognition of the sovereignty of the people..... The Sikhs are nowhere a majority but a strong minority. The best solution would be for them to go into Pakistan. The Sikhs have nothing to fear. It is unfortunate that Sikhs did not like the idea." The party vigorously pursued this treacherous line and immensely harmed the national interests.


The election manifesto of the CPI published in January 1946 demanded that power be transferred to seventeen interim sovereign national constituent assemblies. The interim government structure posed was not even a federation of states on the Soviet pattern but confederation of independent states! In 1947, Namboodripad authored a book on this issue titled Kerala-the Motherland of Malayalis."


3. In fact,  the CPI  submitted  memoranda  both to the  Cripps  Mission in 1942 and to the Cabinet  Mission in 1946 demanding that  Great Britain hand over power  to the  17  sovereign  states  (then provinces) carved out of  India. 


4. There should be no wonder now that  the several communist parties in India talk of federalism  whereas, in not even  one of the  395 Articles of the  Constitution are there words “federation”, “federalism” or “federal”. The  undivided CPI supported the Muslim  League’s  demand for the  partition of India  and  the creation of Pakistan inspired by  Stalin’s thesis of the right of nationalities  for self-determination.  The CPI held  that  Muslims in India  form a separate nation as claimed and asserted  by  the  Muslim League presided over  by Md. Ali Jinnah  in its 1940 Lahore  session. There should be no wonder that the different Communist Parties  support  every demand  that weakens  the Union Government  .


5. These days it is pathetic to see the CPI and  CPM in Telangana urge the Telangana Rashtra Samiti  to take them into an alliance to fight the BJP.  The TRS which is in  an undeclared alliance with the  All India  Majlis Ittehadul Muslameen  (AIMIM) (the descendant of the notorious Kasim Razvi-led  Razakarist Majlis Ittehad-ul-Muslameen -MIM) has been  ignoring  the communist parties’  repeated petitions for alliance with them.    The two communist parties are  reduced to “Statement Parties of India” as they almost every day issue statements on some matter or the other from their  respective party offices in Hyderabad .