Memoranda for Submission to the Chief Ministers of the Two Telugu States.


Confrontation Between Some Chief Ministers And Union Government

Dt: 24/11/22

Confrontation Between Some Chief Ministers

And Union Government


Dr T H Chowdary*



The militant confrontation of  the  Chief Minister of Telangana and his minister - son cum working President of the  Telangana Rashtra Samiti (TRS) makes me recall   the  dialogue between Kulapati K M Munshi  one of the  Chief Architects of the Constitution of India and Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. Munsh iji like Sardar Patel was  opposed to linguism and linguistic provinces as these would lead to fissiparous  and disruptionist tendencies to the   detriment of the integrity of the   Indian state. 


2. On May 29, 1961 Munshiji  wrote to Jawaharlal Nehru a long letter  detailing the evil consequences of  linguism  and linguistic states. The letter was  followed  by a fairly long  discussion  between Munshiji and Jawaharlal Nehru in New Delhi  on July 2, 1961.  Munshi ji suggested several steps  which should be  vigorously taken  to counter the  disruptionist  developments that  linquism and linguistic  states would lead to    “confrontation  between the   Chief Ministers  and the Union government”.


3. Munshiji warned that, “ a time might come when the  CMs would not tolerate a strong  Union government” and that is  what we see today.   He further observed  “ as one  who has seen the development of linguism from the beginning I cannot help noting that the Union  in some respect  is developing into a confederacy, CMs assuming the role of  warring  barons of mediaeval  England. Already  State ministers talk about,  “our Rivers, our boundaries, our food crops” ( our model of welfare and development).




“ things being as they are, it would require a strong Prime Minister to be able to  assert himself or the head  of the State to uphold the constitutional powers of Parliament  by his firm handling of the difficult situation. ( in Pilgrimage To Freedom by K M Munshi ; pages  211-41 and pages  212-224,  The Constitution Of India , Role of Dr K M Munshi by  Sheshrao Chawan, a Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan’s  publication).


4. The CMs of Telangana state , Tamilnadu,  West Bengal  and    Kerala  are  in a confrontationist mood  with the  Union government, especially the Prime Minister Sri Narendra Modi .  The most militant of these are  CM K.Chandrasekhara Rao and his minister -son K.T. Rama Rao of Telangana. The KCR family and his party ,the TRS (now BRS) are supported by AIMIM of Asaduddin Owaisi who has publicly and   loudly stated that he wants  a very weak and loose coalition of  regional parties to rule  India from the Center.


5.  The confrontationist Chief Ministers are leaders of regional parties.  They accuse Sri Modi, the Prime Minister and the BJP  as under-mining “federalism”, a word not found  in any of the  395 Articles  of the Constitution.  India’s Constitution provides for  a strong  Union (Central) Government, which can, according to many Articles, over-ride State governments and even legislate for them.  The regional leaders are mostly dynasts and are like the Subedars of post- Aurangzeb Moguls in Delhi.  India needs a strong Union government to preserve the  integrity of the State and Nation. ( 1,352 words)