Memoranda for Submission to the Chief Ministers of the Two Telugu States.


National Population Policy (Control, a Survival Imperative) ( Synopsis for a full paper)




National Population Policy

(Control, a Survival Imperative)

( Synopsis for a full paper)


Dr T. H.Chowdary*


The growth of India’s population from about 39 cr in 1951 to over 135 cr  in 2020,  adding about 15 mln people per year since the 1980s, has been militating against  reduction in the  number of poor people provision of  employment education and  health services  and housing for all.  The evil consequence of competitive populist political manifestos and increasing pay -outs  in the name of  welfare and social justice is the result.   People are led into  dependency ( on government) mind set welfare    and dependency ethic is  trumping work and individual endeavour ethic .  What could be spent upon true sreya , long lasting good,  is being spent  upon preya that is, temporarily pleasing .  Unlike  newly independent  countries  like China, Korea, even Malaysia,  India is not able to  rise into the front ranks of  the world’s with  prosperity, power, intellectual and  ethical  status that is befitting this civilization state of  Bharat.


2. The country’s population and its growth profoundly affects levels of  poverty, education , health and ability to defend the country against internal subversion and external aggression.  


3. The population policy should be revised periodically so that the size growth composition (age- wise) and citizen capability are  in accordance with our resources national vision for economic and security and defence  goals we set from time to time.


4. The family size that is, the number of children a couple can have must be regulated and this regulation should apply to sections of people, regardless of religion, region, caste, and economic status. Uneven growth of population as between sections of people  and regions leads to social strife and demographic disequilibrium ; leading to rise of an altogether different culture of the nation state.


5. The rise of China from a poor and powerless nation to prosperous and superpower status is  largely the  result of its state- enforced population policies : one child from mid 1970s to 2010; two children upto 2020; three children from 2020 . The family size is related to economy  and its  growth and the nation’s goals.


6. India being a multi-party, periodically election- conducting nation- state with people with acutely deferring religions, castes and economic and educational levels, constantly  incited by power seeking politicians and their parties for government charity in the name of social justice and rights, cannot now enforce limits on family size by law as in China.


7. But the welfare pay-outs and reservations (for admission to educational institutions, government and public sector jobs) could be  instruments of regulating family size  to one our two children; and  these for one generation only.  The welfare could be withdrawn with the birth of a third child and withdrawing the voting right for all elections and eligibility for all elective posts. Extensive educative campaigns must be undertaken to explain the consequences of run-away growth in population and that too unevenly among different sections and the consequent evils before promulgation and periodic revisions in national population policies. The Constitution may be amended to make  limiting family size as a fundamental duty and make suitable laws to enforce compliance with this duty.


8. Control on population growth and that too deliberate in some sections and regions, is imperative to discontinue, “We Feed: You Breed” populist programs and to keep the multitudes in perpetual painless poverty


9. The final paper will give statistical  data to back up the propositions made in this synopsis.


P.S:  That if Chinese attain the levels of  American’s consumption , the natural resources of  five earths will be required ; that if different  fertility rates are espoused by sections of people in a country, the social equilibrium will be  imperiled as in Lebanon, Belgium and Bangladesh point to the need for a time -variant  proper national population policies.