Memoranda for Submission to the Chief Ministers of the Two Telugu States.


Legislative Moves That Should Be Initiated By The BJP Without Any Further Delay

Dt:  28/2/18

Legislative  Moves That Should Be

Initiated By The  BJP Without Any Further  Delay


Dr T.H.Chowdary*



( Matters  of moment  for the Bharatiya  ideology to prevail over  pseudo secularism, pseudo socialism and pseudo  garibhi hatao.  )


The BJP  has its origins   in 1979;  from  the  Bharatiya  Jana Sangh of 1951  and  the Rashtriy Swayam Sangh  (RSS) of 1925.  All along, the founders  were painfully aware of the discrimination against  Hindus  and the increasing  appeasement measures for the  benefit of   religious minorities  (Muslims & Christians) at the cost of  Hindus  all during the  dominance of the  rulers from the  Nehru dynasty  buttressed by Marxists.   In the  2014 elections to the   Lok Sabha,  the aspiring young  Hindu voted for Sri Narendra Modi  as  he was thought to be a sincere and serious politician that could undo the injustices and  discriminations  heaped upon Hindus since Independence and even before.   That Sri Modi  braved the intense and extensive calumny he was subjected to by the  secular  left, liberal, Marxist missionary crowds and did not buckle under their  intense hate propaganda,  encouraged  and emboldened the young Hindu to vote for Sri Modi. 


3. Alas!  Four years  have passed; not much  has been done  by Sri Modi and the BJP -led NDA government to reassure   the wounded Hindus  that  a process of  undoing the  injustices would be begun.    Mere  development and   repeated talk about it  alone does  not win elections. Proof,  if required,  was the defeat of the BJP -led  NDA in 2004 elections  India was shining   economy-wise  but that did  not  contribute to electoral  success of the BJP.  On the  contrary,  it lost  not only the  2004 but even the 2009 election to the  Lok Sabha  very ignominiously. This should not  happen, in 2019  and  to see that it does not  happen the following  matters long over-due must be addressed ; at least attempted even if they do not get concluded.  A serious attempt is made will send the  right signal to the wounded Hindu young.    More  than 150mln  new voters there would be in 2019. With gains in the  election to the  Rajya Sabha in March 2018, BJP may not be totally thwarted in its legislative agenda.



4. Serious attempts to be made:


·         Define Secularism: The  Janata  government  (1977-‘79)    had this  word secularism defined, got it passed in the Lok Sabha but it could not be passed in the  Rajya Sabha. So, it lapsed.  Since the Supreme Court had held that secularism and socialism are, among others,  the basic features of the Indian Constitution, it would strike down any legislation  that goes   against these concepts  -  concepts which remain to be  defined or described  and brought into the  Statue  Book  or  added to the Constitution as  appendices .

·         Article 30:  This is the most obnoxious and discriminatory article,  favouring     religious minorities  and   discriminating against the  so called Hindu majority.     The world “minority” itself is not defined. In Kerala,  very soon even Hindus  will be less than  50%.  So all the  three  communities  Hindus, Christians and Muslims will each be  less than 50%. Who then will be the  minority? Will Hindus,  the single  largest   group but less than 50% be considered the   majority ?

o   The right given  to the religious minorities  to establish  educational institutions   of their  choice” (  and unsaid is  the limit  ) is not given to the so called  Hindu majority. Democracy and a secular  state  must treat all religious groups equally and not give some groups  rights and privileges not given to  the so called majority group.  Actually,  Hindus  are divided into more than 5000 castes and  the  loyalty to  caste  is much more than to the  Hindu dharma, although all  profess to be  Hindus.  A move should be  initiated to amend this article to the  effect  that the right to “establish educational institutions of their choice” would be  available equally to all religious communities  or, “religious minorities can establish and  manage educational  institutions  to impart knowledge about  their  religion, its history and culture”.  They shall however not receive any state funds.


·         Management & administration  of Hindu  places of worship, namely temples : Government of all the   five  South Indian  States ( Karnataka, Kerala, Tamilnadu, Andhra Pradesh  and Telangana )  are managing and administering  the places of  worship, temples  of  Hindus only  leaving the Churches and  Mosques to be managed and administered  by bodies comprising of  the followers of those  regions only.  This is adverse discrimination. In practice,  the resources of the  temples  are misappropriated  and diverted for purposes not connected   with the    preservation, promotion, propagation and  defence of   Hindu  dharma.  In fact,   non - Hindus especially  Christians and to some  extent  Muslims are  becoming employees of  Endowment Department  and are  acting  to undermine  these institutions, alienate their properties  and even desecrate temples   and distort their  functions.


·         The  Trust bodies of these temples are  filled with  financiers and partisans of the  political party in power. 

o   The Central  government should bring in a law which specifically  directs or prohibits  the State governments  from   management & administration of Hindus temples and directs them to dis-engage themselves  within say  two  years  by bringing  an appropriate   legislation  like the Sikh Gurudwara  Prabhandhak  Committee Act of   1935.



·         Resettle the  Kashmiri Hindu Pandits  in a sanitised and  secure area in the  Kashmir Valley which is part of the Indian Republic.   It is indeed a disgrace that the  government of a party founded   to end discrimination against Hindus and for preservation  of Bharatiyata  has done precious little  either during   1998 -2004  or   since 2014 in resettling  Hindus and Sikhs in their home and  for millennia but from where they were expelled by Islamist terror.  If the mighty government of India cannot  resettle the internally displaced Hindus  by threats of violence and  destruction,  it has hardly any reason to be supported  by the  people.  Decisive  steps must be initiated to identify sufficient area and  construct settlements  for the rehabilitation of the  expelled Hindus and Sikhs   from the  Kashmir Valley.

It may be recalled that  noting  east  Pakistan’s wave after wave of expulsion of Hindus from what is now  Bangladesh  in 1948 & 49, Sardar Patel, the then Dy Prime Minister and Home Minister addressed a mammoth  meeting in Calcutta’s Maidan and declared that if forced Hindu exodus   was not immediately stopped, India  would  liberate one third of the  territory of East Pakistan and settle all the Hindu and Buddhist minorities   in that  area giving them sufficient security and protection .  The result was the Nehru -Liaquat Ali Pact of 1950 April which, of course was  in practice  not honoured  by the  faithless Pakistan government.


·          Discontinuance of nominating Anglo- Indians to the  Lok Sabha and some state legislatures:  There are hardly any Anglo Indias left in this country. Most of  them had migrated to  Australia,  New Zealand and Canada and those who have remained  here, are integrated with the  Indian   Christians almost all.    If at all there are any, they must be less than a few thousands, not  tens of thousands. We should do away with this nomination and instead   the Constitution must be  amended to provide for nomination of Parsis, the  most patriotic and accomplished small minority in India to the Lok Sabha and to the  State Legislature of Maharashtra and  Gujarat .


·         Insufferable  and obnoxious entitlements to MPs:  The privilege of 34 flight  tickets per year for every MP by Air India is obnoxious.   It may be  cut by half.  The heavily subsidised cafeteria  for MPs  in the  premises of the Parliament  is in obnoxious contrast to the  exhortations that the well –to- do  people should  give up   gas subsidies.  There should be no subsidised gas or food services to the MPs in the parliament  premises or any were else .



·         MPLADS: There should be an audit  for what purposes and  how effectively Rs.  5 cr per year per MP under the MPLADS scheme is  operating .   There is widespread  belief with ample evidence  that   upto 50% of such amounts are misappropriated .


·         Reservations:  The Hindu society is being disintegrated by different castes competing with one another  to be declared as backward, most backward (MBC), extremely backward (EBC)  and  so backward that they should be included in the ST category.



·         All people   denounce the caste  system but  if the castes are not there, there could be no basis for reservations. So the continuance of caste - based reservations and the  pontification that castes are a blot on Hinduism and this should be eliminated are contradictory harangues. Governments run by regional parties are  building religion-wise, caste-wise welfare  corporations  and declaring  more and more  sections  of Hindus as well as  Muslims and Christians as BCs with the prefix M or E. There ought to be a sunset date  for reservations which the constitution makers envisaged to last for  only 10 years.  Now, no politician  will talk of  the ending  reservations as it would amount to   his  hara-kiri, suicide.


·         Continuance of  reservations  has been leading to  an increase  in the    population  for whom these are  meant. SCs who were 15% are now about  22%; STs who were 7.5%, are more than 12% and  Muslims  who are  clamouring for reservations had increased from 9.8%  to nearly 16%.   And these  percentages are increasing.  Reservations   and   targeted  welfare  are unfortunately leading to   limitless growth  of these populations.  



·         As it is  politically inconvenient  and   impermissible  to talk of   elimination of reservation altogether,   nation’s interest require that  leaders talk of  limiting  the reservation  for one generation  and for  one person in the  family so that   the  families  who are not yet  benefited  even by one reservation, get this  benefit.  Just as surrender of gas subsidies  had enabled the   government  to give   the gas subsidies   or free  gas  to  millions  of poor people,  the new reservation policy  enunciated here  will enable   not yet  benefited families  to benefit  and would also  constitute  a dis-incentive for  furious  population growth among these sections. (1,628 words)