Memoranda for Submission to the Chief Ministers of the Two Telugu States.


BJP in the Telugu States

Dt:  1/6/16

BJP in the  Telugu States


Dr T.H.Chowdary*



Sri Ram Madhav the General Secretary of the  BJP has made a clear  distinction between strategy and ideology  ( Hansa India  1/6/16).

2. As a matter of strategy it is alright to be with the  TDP  in A.P so that whatever advantage as a partner in a ruling coalition can be used to strengthen the party.  At the same time  whatever are the failures of the coalition govt will also be on the BJP.


3. The TDP has no ideology either economic or  cultural.  It is  like other regional parties proprietary and  dynastic.    The BJP  will suffer grievously if  it  neglects the  ideology. Man does not live by  bread  alone but he  lives by ideas also . In the two Telugu states   Hindus are terribly  discriminated against by the governments in that while   the Churches of  Christians and Mosques of Muslims  are not under government management  & control,   only Hindu temples  are under  the government s’ control . The  properties and the resources   of the temples  being built up by the  Hindu devotees are used  blatantly for partisan purposes by the  ruling  parties.   The TTD Board and the Trust Boards of other temples  are  stuffed with   the supporters and  patrons  and financiers  of the   party in power.  The functionaries of the temples ,  unlike   the Pastors and  Bishops;  Imams  and  Mullahs and Maulvis  are by dint of so called  government  officials  are prevented  from defending  Hindu dharma against


evangelists  and other  conversion   enterprises.  Part of the   offerings of Hindu devotees  are being  used  in the  discretion   of the  Chief Minister    who could be  ( and had been  indeed)  a Christian  or even a Muslim.   While   the  governments of the  two Telugu states  are constructing  Urdu  ghars and Shadi Khanas   and    Haj House and sending   the   minorities  to their pilgrim centers  with government money   from the budgets,    the Hindu devotees  are having to buy tickets not only for travel but even to see their  gods.    Thousands of  crores of rupees of the Hindu  devotees   are being   ineffectually spent    while  with that  money vidya and  vaidyam ( education & health)  and  help to the poor  can be reached  so that  the ideal of  madhava seva  through manava seva would be implemented   by the resources of the temple.  Promises for  reduction  of corruption, more development     and effective  distribution of welfare  are all common to all parties.



4. In the two Telugu states the   Unique Selling  Point  ( USP)   of the BJP  should be  the liberation  of  temples from the management of parties which in effect are  communal in  that  they are using the government  resources to promote    the   religions  of the  minorities even at the cost of    the Hindus . While   the spiritual  Hindu organisations  are engaged in a movement  for the  liberation of temples ,  the BJP in the  two Telugu States should  come out boldly in support of them  and make  this  an emotional as well as economic  issue by the time of the next elections.  It is as well  to  recall  that Mannathu Padmanabha  Pillai launched in the late 1950s  a movement  for the liberation of Kerala from the    misrule and partisan rule of the   communists and he succeeded in  ending the rule of   the godless communist party  .


5. The temple liberation movement should be a parallel to Mannathu Padmanabha  Pillai‘s in Kerala   and BJP should actively patronise the Hindus’ movement for liberation of the temples from minority appeasing governments.    (567 words)