Memoranda for Submission to the Chief Ministers of the Two Telugu States.


Information Society – Pleasures and Pains

Dt:  15/5/15


Information Society – Pleasures and  Pains


Dr T.H.Chowdary*


17 of May is observed   as the   World Telecom & Information Society Day  since 1965 the centenary year  of the International  Telecom Union (ITU), the world’s oldest and first  International  organisation founded  in Paris in 1865 as International Telegraph Union (ITU). 


2. The world  is now interconnected not only between   governments but most significantly between the citizens themselves, thanks to  Internet that is supported  by  Information and Communication  Technologies (ICTs).  Electronics  and  communication infrastructure by way of  satellites and  optical fibre cables underground and  on ocean beds provide the necessary infrastructure and the cell and  microwave towers.  For the world’s 725 cr  people  there are  over  600 cr mobile telephones  and  250 cr  people connect to the  Internet.   In our country for the  125 cr population we have more than  100 cr  mobile telephones and 25 cr  Internet connections. The latter  are expected to grow to 55 cr within the  next 3 years.  Hyper competition and wise regulation  have  brought down  the prices  for telecom and information services so that  one-days’ wages of a daily labourer are able to buy a month’s telecom & IT and Internet service in our  country.  The mobile telephones which once were costing  Rs. 15,000 with  just one facility are now available for about  Rs. 5000 with the most sophisticated capabilities  like a camera , internet connection, radio and  video, geographic positioning  (GP) services and many more being developed.


3. Fantastic  thing are  happening in the interconnected  world between the  people  themselves.  They are able to create information, put it on the Internet to be available to  anybody seeking it.  Every two-days  the world’s people  are creating  as much digital  content as the entire humanity   from the  dawn of civilisation  until the  year 2003.  This is  5 exabytes (5 followed by 18  zeros). With only 200 cr on the net, if this much information  is being  created, think of what the possible 600 cr people connected to the  Internet, in the  next 3 years would additionally create. Every minute 100 Hrs of You-Tube footage is  being uploaded, up from 60 Hrs in 2012.  600 cr hrs of video footage is watched every month.  Every day 2,300 cr  text messages ( SMSs and e-mails) are  sent   over this  global Internet.  The growth has been remarkable   -  only 35 cr  of people connected to the  Internet in the  year 2000, now it is over  200 cr. Similarly, in the year 2000 there were 75 cr mobile  telephones; now there are  650 cr !




4. A more startling is coming. That is  the Internet of Things (IOT). Today only human beings  are communicating through the Internet.  But   homes are having not less than 10 appliances  like  air conditioners, refrigerators,  microwaves, TV sets, burglar alarms  and so on.  Such things are 7000 cr now.  These 7000 cr  would also be connecting to the Internet  of Things into which  the present Internet of human beings  is getting transformed.  Huge amount of information  will be flowing across the globe between human beings and   things that serve them. Social media like the Face Book, You Tube,  Linked, Uber, Twitter,  etc.,  are putting  human beings  into contact with one another.  Governments are losing  their power to control people  as people to people  communications  are taking place on the  Internet.  Revolutions like the  Arab Spring (spanning Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Iraq  , Yemen  ....) became possible  because of the people to  people communications against their   dictatorial governments .


·         Julian Assange an Australian   in his late  20s  founded  Wiki Leaks. He broke into  the most  sophisticated websites of different departments of the Government of USA.  He leaked  thousands of secret, sensitive, diplomatic  cables that were exchanged from various  Embassies  of US in the world between them and with the  US government.


·         William Snowden, another  young man who was engaged on contract  by the USA’s National  Security Agency (NSA) leaked  the information that the  US was gathering about heads of governments, their  departments, influential  citizens, policy makers and businesses around the  world.  


5. These two  sensational  leaks  have shown how vulnerable the information stored in the websites of the Internet  is to extremely skilled professionals  called hackers. In order to secure the information  sophisticated systems  like firewalls and encryption, changing passwords and so on had been built.  It requires 10 mln lines of code  to   build  the most imaginable security of the  information stored. But it requires  only 125 lines of code in order to  breach this security if vulnerabilities  in the  websites  and their  gate  keeping systems  are explored and detected.


6.  The palm-held mobile devices  are so intelligent  that they are replacing the personal computer. They are becoming so inexpensive. Information is stored  in  clouds.  Joseph McAfee the inventor of the anti-virus software (by which he became a multi millionaire) was involved in the  murder of his neighbour. He fled from the  USA and became an international fugitive. After months of silence, he gave an interview.  He was photographed at that  time. The iPhone4S which  has a  camera recorded  the longitude and latitude of the  place where he was (that is, the GPS capability in the cell phone) .  One twitter user noticed the  photo in the   metadata and through him the US Intelligence found out the  location  - a swimming pool in  the Ranchon Mary restaurant in Guatemala . He was nabbed.


7. Iran  has centrifuges to separate  Uranium 235 from Uranium 238 to prepare  fissile  material  to make nuclear  bombs. An Ukrainian  hacked into the SCADA   system of Iran’s  nuclear facility and introduced  a worm  Stuxnet.  The centrifuges  were made  to spin  so excessively that  the entire facility’  caught fire and was  destroyed.  No aerial  bombing was necessary as the Israeli’s had to do to destroy the nuclear  facility of Iraq in the 1970s.


·         America is sending drones ( unmanned aerial vehicles).  They have  GPS system and  small but deadly missiles. An Iranian hacker  locked on to  a drone sent by the USA to Iran for spying . He hacked into the GPS of the drone and modified it so that   it would land not in the  USA after the  flight but in  Iran itself.  The Iranians triumphantly announced its capture to the  discomfiture of the USA.


·         A jihadi through an accomplice  placed a mobile  telephone part of which was wrapped in invisible  tape  containing  a deadly  explosive at the working place of the  intended victim.  He called that number and as the intended victim was picking it up,  it exploded and killed the   person.


8. Where is the perpetrator ?  Not known.  Who is it ?  Not known. Similar is the  case with the   persons who put the  Stuxnet in the  SCADA of the Iranian nuclear facility.  As the Internet spans nations  the location  of the   warrior  and  attributing it to a definite   person  is extremely  difficult and legally un-establishable.


9. China,  USA, Iran,  Israel, Pakistan,  Ukraine  and some other countries are now raising armies of hackers. Some   arms’ length from the  State and some as in China are just units of the Peoples Liberation Army. These countries engage in information wars,  hacking into  the most sensitive and secret information -containing websites  of targeted countries.  As every  activity like  banking,  demployment of armies and airforces,   telecom & electricity  networks and process industries  are all  based upon  ICTs  and are connected to the Internet, it is possible to wage  wars  without sending   the armed forces physically to the enemy country.  In this regard the most capable are China followed by Israel and the USA. India is at the receiving  end. It is estimated that we need to train about 5 lakh Internet security professionals in order to protect our networks. 


10. And so ICTs and Internet while being   the greatest benefactor of mankind, are also   the most potentially dangerous  technologies   that may foster and promote  subversion, terrorism, smuggling, revolutions  and international wars without ground forces. Exhausted  by the  Second World War  nations created  the United Nations and its  Security Council  to pre-empt deadly world  wars which are physically waged . But wars can  now be  waged and countries  can be devastated by operations on the Internet.  Intellectuals are therefore thinking of an  international organisation which will  bring order and  governance  into this  non-physical,  that is, cyber world  based upon the  Internet. Would wisdom prevail before villains and misanthropes  bring destruction upon humanity? (1, 396 words)