Memoranda for Submission to the Chief Ministers of the Two Telugu States.


Jayanti of Andhra Kesari Tanguturi Prakasam Panthulu

Dt:  11/8/14


Jayanti of Andhra Kesari Tanguturi Prakasam Panthulu

Dr T.H.Chowdary*

 Government  of Andhra Pradesh  deserves to be congratulated for officially celebrating the 142th   birthday of  Andhra Kesari Tanguturi  Prakasam  Panthulu garu.   He  is one  of the rarest   freedom fighters  who has sacrificed a  lucrative career as  Bar- at- law in the  undivided Madras  Presidency and spent all his  wealth for the  freedom movement.  He was earning much more  than the much publicised  Motilal Nehru.  but there is a great contrast between the careers of the two persons. 

2. Prakasam was a person  gave  everything of his both for the freedom struggle as well as for  the creation of the Andhra state by separation from  the Madras Presidency.  The legendary courage of his was displayed when   the Simon Commission visited Chennai, and the Congress boycotting it, he led  a demonstration   with placards Simon go back.   The British deployed armed  police and     ordered  the demonstrators  not to proceed. Prakasam went  forward  with bare chest and dared the  police to  shoot him. The stunned soldiers simply made way for Prakasam. It was this  daring  which no other Congress leader was prepared to undertake, that earned  him  the beloved   title Andhra Kesari (Lion).

3. Unlike the present  day Congress men whom Dr Ambedkar described in 1948 itself  as people without any principles any view of society excepting flattering   Gandhi, Prakasam  had self  -esteem  and a definite philosophy on society and its welfare.   He rendered Bhagawad Gita into Telugu with a commentary of his own.  The Telugu people  adored him. 

4. When he  was penny -less as a Congress leader he used to  demand  whomsoever  he me to  give  money  to buy his  train tickets!  None withheld  what he wanted and all the money was spent for the party, never accumulating a single  rupee for himself. Once  Gandhiji  wrote to him saying that some  people complained  to him that Prakasam was collecting  money from the public but not rendering any accounts.  Prakasam shot back saying that unlike what the nation is spending upon Gandhiji, he has spent every paisa that he  got for the  Congress movement for independence .  It would be an insult for him to ask to give an account of that;  he had  no money with him,  he lived on the  offerings  made by the people . Gandhiji was speechless .

5. After  the 1947 general  elections of the Congress Legislature party in the  Madras Presidency Gandhiji and the  Congress High Command  did not  want Prakasam to be the leader. But  Prakasam defied them and won.  He was the Premier of the undivided Madras Presidency.  But conspirators from among the  legislators from Andhra region and Tamils removed  him as the Premier by a No -Confidence  motion .

6. He was disgusted with the  Congress -men jockeying for positions  and not implementing the cherished  Gandhijis reforms in  favour of farmers and  weavers and other  weaker sections of the people .  He was  distressed and left the Congress  and  along with  J B Kripalani,  Rafi Ahmed  Kidwai formed the  Kisan  Mazdoor Praja Party. Even Prof. N.G.Ranga had to leave the   Congress  as   the party was sliding into the  hands of  manipulators and self  seekers. In the  1952 general elections the KMPP of  Prakasam and Krishikar Lok Party of N G Ranga   contested the  elections against the  Congress.  The Congress was reduced to a minority in the    undivided Madras Province . Communists won a large number  of seats in the Andhra  area.  The  non-Congress parties  elected Sri Praksam as  leader.   Jawaharlal Nehru  and his Congress  could not countenance a non-Congress Ministry in so important  a Province  as Madras.  They nominated Rajaji  to the Legislature Council and   so manipulated  that   he was installed as the Premier of  Madras. Sri Prakasam then  intensified the  movement for separation of Andhra.  He encouraged Potti Sriramulu to fast unto death  and in the  aftermath of his death, Nehru had to  concede the separate  Andhra  state in 1953 Oct.  As a tribute to the  sacrifices  of Prakasam,  the parties   in the  newly formed Andhra state agreed that he should be the   first Chief Minister   and so he was but after a few months the selfish and power -seeking Congress men again contrived  to pull him down.

7. In 1980,  Sanjeeva Reddy the   President of  India  wrote a letter to the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi drawing her attention  to  the talk of     extensive corruption indulged in by  Maharashtra’s  Congress Chief Minister Abdul Rahman  Antulay who in the name of Indira Prathibha Pratisthan was collecting money   by allotting cement  quotas .  Sanjeeva Reddy   advised Indira  Gandhi    that  as she alone  was powerful enough    to tackle corruption, she should  inquire  into  Antulya’s doings. Indira Gandhi   replied that Sajeeva Reddy was attributing corruption to her or at least  her patronage of the  corrupt.  She then wrote to the President, listing  the great sacrifices that her  grandfather, father,  and herself had been making  in the interest of the nation  and therefore it is improper to  allege  any  corruption   to her . In a stinging reposte Sanjeev Reddy cited   Prakasam as a freedom fighter and a Congress leader who   sacrificed   much more than the entire Nehru Dynasty. He further said that  Indira’s grandfather, father and herself  her aunt had all been holding high positions  in government,   Prakasam  died in penury and that his progeny is also in penury; that he did not  build any  Dynasty and amass wealth .

8. It is rare  that we have   a leader  who is  so  unselfish and who has   lived every moment for the good of his people.  He belongs to that rank  of great selfless people like Acharya Kripalani, Jayaprakash Narayan, Prof. N.G.Ranga and P.Sundaraiah  who   even in the  1930s decided that they should not  have  children  as they were involved in the  freedom movement and should not be tempted to make money to benefit their  children when freedom comes. What  a contrast  with  Prakasam’s life to    the politicians   in almost all parties (excepting the BJP & Communists ) who are building Dynasties   and feudalising the  politics in India. (1,041 words)