Memoranda for Submission to the Chief Ministers of the Two Telugu States.

National Security


Dt:  23/6/14



Dr T.H.Chowdary*



In a recent issue of  Metro India, in the Edit page there was a short exposition on Hijballah. It is said  that it means God’s  party.    In fact,    Hijbullah now is   a militant,  armed     jihadi outfit operating in Lebanon and in  the Gaza Strip of Palestine vowing to throw out  the  Jews of Israel into the  Mediterranean  Sea.  Hijbullah is god’s party .  It is  this  definition and its understanding that are at the root of the  mindless  violence that members of the Hijbullah practise.  It was unfortunate that  the gods of the    semetic religions,  Judaism  and  Islam have their  chosen people the Jews and  Arabs  respectively.  The rest of the  world’s people  are sinners. They have to be  saved only by converting them to the true  faith, Christianity  (following Judaism) and  Islam.  Their gods  have enjoined upon the  believers to convert the people of all other  faiths to their own  faith.  In lies this mission the seeds of conflict because if one has to be faithful and true  to his God, he must exert to convert  others.  That has been impossible .  Christianity  is more than  2000 years old.  Yet,  not more than  30% of the  seven billion  people  in the  world  are  Christians.   Islam is about 1400 years  old.  Less than one third  of the  world’s people  are  Muslims. It is therefore  clear that  neither  the God of Christians nor of Islam nor their followers have been able to  convert  the rest to their  own  faith. The Sikh guru Arjun Dev, when ordered to  embrace Islam  said, that  “when your   Prophet  himself  could not convert the entire  world   to his faith, how could a mere  mortal like you, though an emperor (Jahangir) convert  everyone to Islam”?


2. In contrast  to the  gods of the  Semitic religions acclaiming their  followers as the party of god, is Lord Krishna’s message in Bhagawadgita.


samoham  sarva bhuteshu, na me dhveshyosthi na priyaha”

-          Bhagawadgita- Ch- 9.29


3.  meaning,  “All the created being are equal to me. None are   despised by me nor are any the preferred. This means that since God is the  creator of the universe of a animate as well as the animate, he cannot  any of his own  creation.  It follows that all the  created  must be mutually respectful and  preserving  . This is  the  supreme message of sanatan dharma, that is Hinduism .   It is the  misguided faith of some people which  drives them to convert others.  Variety is  part of  nature. All  the created things  together  make this harmonious  universe and our planet. Preserving this  harmony by respecting   the variety   is enjoined as the  greatest virtue of a human being.  Causing least  violence  to every part of   creation  is the virtue to  be practised .  All of us and all  things are lived in   by the creator (Isa vaasyamidam – the whole universe is inhabited by the  Lord). Hinduism properly understood and truly practised leads to  loka sangraha  - that is, preservation  of the  created,   the stars, the planets, the rivers, the forests, the deserts,  the animals and birds, and  human beings.  It teaches that supporting one another, all can live in  utmost welfare and happiness (parasparam bhavayantaha sreyo paramaabhyadha).


4. Finally this  idea of Hijbullah,  that Muslims being the  party of god is a dangerous one. Once the learned  Maulana Abul Kalam Azad was asked by his  Muslim  listeners  as to which party  should Muslims join ( Congress or Muslim League). His reply was: “ Muslims need not join any party because they are the party of God”. This idea has found legal  validity in Pakistan which has  enacted blasphemy laws. Any person alleged to have   denigrated Islam or the   Prophet or the Holy Book, Koran  is liable to be  executed.  This idea of  Hijbullah that is, some people being the  party of god must be  exorcised  to avoid conflict and  bloodshed among  humans. (647 words)