Memoranda for Submission to the Chief Ministers of the Two Telugu States.


The Poor Like Noise Will Always Be With Us

 Dt: 13/2/14


The Poor Like Noise Will Always Be With Us


Dr T.H.Chowdary*




 A renowned mathematician and astro-physicist working in the famed Bell Laboratories in Holmdel, New Jersy (USA), investigating how noise could be eliminated in radio equipment, came to the conclusion, “ noise like the poor will always be with us”.  Our universe is understood to have  come into being  by a “big bang” of an intensely dense but minute matter and  with the  bang, explosion, noise came to be  radiated into the  cosmos. It would go away when the  cosmos collapses; so would  noise only then.  the comparison of the  poor and  poverty to the  cosmic noise is very apt for never in the  history of mankind on this  planet  earth, was there  a time or  land  when and  where  there  were  no poor and  poverty. inequality, pluralism and randomness appear to be  spatially and temporally existent facts in an otherwise overall orderliness and  equilibrium. Ilya   Prigogine, a Russian ( not Soviet) Nobel laureate  explains  this  coexistence of dualities in his  Nobel  Prize winning theory of chaos (order out of  Chaos: Harper and Collins).  In the Bengal famine of 1943, 2.5 mln people died .  They were all poor.  There were famines before too and many died.  But after Independence in 1947, there are no famine deaths.  The  reason is society, public and democracy and adult  franchise have all come together  to see that  governments, do take  care to avoid scarcity and  starvation to death. Millions  of tons of  food grains are procured and stored, so that  in times  of underproduction due to for example, failure  of  monsoon, the stored grains are released.  Also, the poor are served  with  subsidised necessities ( food grains, kerosene, sugar, cooking  oil/gas...) so that  they don’t starve  or are  famished.  




2. Why does  poverty arise  among the  progeny of the  same  family?  Children of the  same  parents, fed, brought up and  educated  together turn out differently – one an engineer, businessman and  another  an idler, a gambler or a fraudster!  and eventually sink into poverty.  The Hindu-Buddhist philosophy of  karma alone can explain the  different  outcomes  through the   same  nurture.

3. Through subsidies  and welfare  schemes, the  collective  society, through government is alleviating not eliminating  poverty. Merely preventing  people from perishing due to poverty cannot be the goal of  a virtuous  society and  good government.  Together with this, leading  and  enabling  the poor to quit  poverty should  be our goal.   Knowledge and  skill-imparting ; enterprise and  innovation inspiring; aspiration and  self-effort promoting  education from child-hood to youth is  what  should be the  primary task of the  family, society and  government.  It is  in this  regard that  our Constitution is  unique  among  the two hundred  plus constitutions  in the  world. Dr B R Ambedkar, scholar, statesman and  patriot held  that  the  Indian  society with built in (by birth) inequality among  citizens  ( due to  caste; master race; only one true religion...) cannot have   stability; it would  explode.  He rightly held that  education is the greatest enabler and equaliser; so he constitutionally mandated  the  state  to  provide, free  compulsory education for  eight years to all children.  Unfortunately the  dishonest  politicians  did not  care to  implement this. They think that without  poor people  as voters, they can’t be in the  business of  politics. It must  be a shame  for the  Congress which  ruled  this  country for 57 of the  67 years of Independence  that the  UPA-II reckons  75% of the  rural and 50% of urban people as poor to be  provided food security.  Feeding the poor  keeps them  alive to  produce  more  poor . Rajiv Gandhi, asserted that 85% of welfare spending for the  poor doe not  reach them.  That currently amounts to about  Rs. 2,50,000 cr per year.  That becomes black  money in the  hands of  ruling politicians, government officials  and  businessmen.  Government’s  give-aways like NREG, SHG, Indira  Awas, old  age and   widow pensions etc., do not  enable  the poor to rise  above  poverty.  Quality education (not mere  certificates) and  wealth-creating work alone  can keep poverty and the poor at decreasingly low levels.  Those who talk of poverty elimination are fooling people to get more welfare spending on which  politicians, businessmen and  government officials prosper.  (688 words)