Memoranda for Submission to the Chief Ministers of the Two Telugu States.

National Security

Migration Of Workers

 Dt:  20/12/13

Migration Of Workers


Dr T.H.Chowdary*



Central & State Governments have been spending lakhs of crores of Rupees every year on rural  development. About Rs. 40,000 cr are under  National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREG). Government spokesmen and media fed by the government are   propagandizing that the NREG and some other  schemes are meant  among others, to stop the migration of workers from rural  areas.  This aim is irrational and is against historical  experience. 


  • If there were no migrations from  overcrowded Europe to the  newly discovered Australia and America, Europe  would have been pauperized and the  world would have been less prosperous without the  wealth of these two continents.


·         The less prosperous Spanish- speaking South American workers are migrating to the US and thus satisfying the need for manual workers in the USA.  A few million skilled persons  like electricians  masons, carpenters, fitters,  plumbers, welders, drivers and construction workers from Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu are working  in the  Gulf  countries. If these people are not migrating to where work is, they could not  have been fed and housed and  uplifted here in India. It is their remittances that are  adding to the  prosperity of the  families at home.

·         Lakhs of   Indian  engineers and other professionals are  migrating to the  US and to some other developed countries in search of jobs. Their remittances are  helping India. The skills of the returning people  add to the   talent pool in India.

·         Punjab’s agriculture will wither if workers from Bihar do not  migrate to that  state.  Here, within Andhra Pradesh,  farm workers  migrate from one district to another for so many agriculture  operations like  transplanting and harvesting. 

·         Tens of thousands of physical labour men and women are migrating from Srikakulam and  Prakasam districts into the construction works in Hyderabad.


·         So many educated people  and entrepreneurs migrate from one state to  another from one country to another  for full and better utilization of their  talents. Encouraging the  educated to migrate and  confining the  unskilled agricultural labourers to the  village, may ensure garnering votes of the  poor.





2. Migration is a historic phenomenon. It can be seasonal, for short periods or permanent. Any scheme that is designed to contain India’s rural population in the village of their  birth itself is a retrograde  step. Villages cannot sustain so many unskilled labourers and not so literate labour. By creating useless “work” we are promoting dependency  among  the unfortunate  rural,   illiterate and unskilled population. This is indeed a social crime.


3. The example of the  my village  Angaluru in Krishna  district will illustrate  how good money is being  thrown away for bad  results. Out of  1000 families,  800 had registered  themselves   as  BPL, seeking work under NREGA.  So far, it was 100 days at Rs. 100 per day. Even at this,  80,000 man days of useful work in a year is impossible in a  village  and that too, year after year. Now this is sought to be  doubled.   The result is, wages for agricultural labour have gone up by 2.5 times and agriculture is becoming  increasingly unviable.  Farmers  feel  that it is  better to sell   the land and put that money in  F.D in a bank. For  eg: one acre of agriculture land sells at the minimum of Rs. 10 lakhs. If this is sold and the money is put in a F.D,  the annual return is Rs. 90,000 .  By cultivating that land, no farmer is getting more than Rs. 10,000 to 15,000 in  a year. What incentive is there for cultivation?


4. Those who are registered for NREGA  are just mustered for attendance and since there is no  work that is required to be done, they go home. They are paid  for no work or little  work.  This   easily obtained money is  spent  largely on consumption of liquor.   Rs.15,000 cr per year of worth of liquor is being sold in Andhra Pradesh. One can easily guess  where the NREGA money is going. This is  a social crime. 


5. Arm chair  economists and do-gooders are  in the  National Advisory Council, an unconstitutional body presided over by Smt Sonia  Gandhi. It is at her instance that more and more  schemes of  welfare are being   launched. Most of this  money is being looted and some  spent away in consumption of liquor. We are promoting dependency and idleness and destroying the work ethic. Instead, we are promoting the welfare  ethic.  The late Rajiv Gandhi had said that 85% of the money  spent for welfare  schemes is not reaching the target.   It is  estimated  that excluding the  subsidy on  fertilizers,  Rs. 4 lakhs  crores of subsidies  and throw –aways like  pension for the old are spent under welfare. 85% of  that  is about Rs.  3,40,000 cr  are every year  turning into  black money, shared by government servants, business men and politicians. More the  welfare, more the black money and  greater is the destruction of the  work ethic.


6.  In the pursuit of  government power, winning elections by spending huge  sums has become   necessary. These sums can be generated by the vast amounts of money spent on “welfare”. The discourse about welfare and the  trickle that reaches the   poor are  acting as  opium for them. The poor get the   crumbs.  For whom  politics is   the  profession and government  power is the   goal welfare and the poor are  the  enablers. Welfare  spending for the  poor cannot be criticised on moral  grounds. It  is the  instrument for aggrandizement of a few. We are not building  an egalitarian society. Wealth  is being  created by the educated and enterprising.  Much of it is  accruing to politicians in power and their  crony businessmen operating the leavers of power. The wealth created is getting concentrated in a small minority of the populations. Inequality and  inequity are  increasing. These are not good for the country. These things are happening because ignoble  people are choosing politics as the least risky profession   to get government power and using it for accumulation of wealth, keeping the poor opiated by trickles of welfare. (1000 words)