Memoranda for Submission to the Chief Ministers of the Two Telugu States.


Broadcasting to Mobiles (Revolutionary Developments in Radio Broadcasting)

Dt: 3/12/19

Broadcasting to Mobiles

(Revolutionary Developments in Radio Broadcasting)

Dr T.H.Chowdary*


Guglielmo Marconi of Italy  is  credited  with the invention  (1897) of wireless (Radio ) communication . Sir Jagdish Chandra Bose  had also demonstrated wireless communication but keeping to the  Indian tradition that knowledge must be shared freely and not  patented and sold,  his discovery goes un-credited .  In the last more than  a century wireless communication has come to be used  for telegraphy, telephony broadcasting and many types of communicating information. The radio  spectrum ( the frequencies in  which   information is wirelessly transmitted )  is created  by man. Energy comes to earth in the form of radio noise at very high frequencies  from stellar sources.  But the radio spectrum that is used for communicating information (telegraphy, telephony, broadcasting , television, teledata…) is created by men,  their companies. The spectrum can be used again and again;  that is, unlike oil and coal and  metallic ores spectrum is an inexhaustible resource; can be regenerated again and again. Spectrum, is   sliced into different bands . The  radio signals  generated and transmitted  in a particular frequency band become weaker and weaker over distance. When it is so little  in strength, it can be re-used again . So that the same spectrum band is not used by more than one company at the same  place and at the same time, there must be regulation as to which user can use what spectrum band for  what purpose over  a defined area. Obviously regulation has to be done by a  government  agency. Unfortunately, governments think that the radio spectrum, even though created by  non-government entities, belongs to them  and  sell it by auction,  treating it as a source of revenue.


2. One of the  most beneficial uses of radio spectrum is for broadcasting ( first such broadcasts were from BBC in the UK in 1922)   information that is educative, inspirational and  entertaining. Radio broadcasting companies whether of  government or licenced private companies use the spectrum for conveying their produce. Broadcasts   carry information from one source to many who have a device which is capable of  receiving the  frequency band (s) in which the program is broadcast. We are familiar with the radio transmitters and radio stations of the  Government of India . All India Radio broadcasts  sound and  Door Darshan  sound and  picture as in television. To receive these radio broadcasts radio receivers and TV receivers  are necessary. In the beginning,  they used to be  large  in volume and weight and consumed much power. These radio receivers and TV sets were  stationary”;  that is, they were  put in a  particular  place in the house or office. They required outdoor antennas to receive the  radio  signals.


3. Scientific researches and industrial  innovations have opened up more and more radio frequency spectra ( frequency bands) using which reception could be by moving objects and persons. Broadcasts  could be received by mobile devices which can be carried by persons . In the beginning, they were heavy and voluminous. But technology has been making them ever  smaller that they can be held in the   palm of a person.  They are powered by inbuilt  small batteries  which can be  recharged. This is mobile broadcasting.  The famous “walkman” of Japanese make, made mobile reception popular.


4. Mobile broadcasting was preceded by mobile telephony. In popular parlance, they are  called cell phones .We had  telephony only through  wires in cables placed underground or  wires  placed on telephone poles. But in cellular mobile telephony the hand -held devices popularly  called  cell phones   are capable of transmitting and receiving  telephone conversations. Later developments  have made the hand -held devices so multi-purpose that they can receive  picture, sound, data and whatever is broadcast into space or accessible from electronic store-houses of information called websites. Mobile telephony and other forms of  communications depend largely upon terrestrial infrastructure; of cell phone towers and radio equipment on top and base of them, being connected to computer -controlled exchanges through terrestrial microwave  radio links or underground  optical fiber cables. Visionaries  worked for facilitating anytime, anywhere  on the globe, communications.  The use of communications satellites was  initiated for this purpose. The American company, Motorola launched a project costing  $1.5 bln, placing 64 communication satellites  in near -earth orbits in space . The project was called IRIDIUM . The mobile phone that  a moving  person  or vehicle  used was quite  bulky and consumed lot of power .The operations became uneconomic and Iridium project was shut down.


5. Now  Elon Musk, founder and Chief Executive Office of the pioneering  space exploration and travel company  SpaceX, visionary entrepreneur is envisaging to put  upto 60,000 small satellites in near earth  orbits  and through them,  provide  communication  to hand -held devices, not exactly cell phones all over the  globe. We are now moving to a 5th generation system in which  handheld devices  (smart telephones)  with tremendous  amount of software   can connect with the  internet,  receive  broadcasts of video and  graphics at great speed.  Tthe transmitted  vision,  text,  data,  voice are all combined  together and can be seen and heard and inter-communicated through  the hand -held  device, which excels any  palm-held or table -top  computer.  TV broadcast can also be seen while we are on the move. Cars are being fitted with such multi -function reception devices. And hand held “telephones”  are becoming smarter and smarter  so that whatever is there, in which ever part of the  earth’s surface and whatever is happening anywhere in the world can be seen while on the  move. So direct TV broadcasting with reception by  hand -held  devices is  imminent possibility.


6. Dishes  mounted on rooftops  will give place to  hand -held smart devices. ( computers ) and therefore  broadcasting direct to (hand –held) smart mobile devices will become ubiquitous .  Developments like driverless cars needing  just keying the place of starting and destination   are coming.  The  screen will show the streets to be followed in obedience to traffic signals.


7. We will not see  the end of progress. The developments remind us of triloka sanchari , Narada and the  divys drishti that Sanjay was having to see the battles in Kurukshetra from  far and  narrate them  to the   blind king Dritarashtra. The criticism of “ rationalists” and “progressives” that  the Puranic lore which talks of movement between different worlds and communications between them is illogical.  Marvels like   landing on the moon and equipments  being planted on Mars and laboratories in space vehicles moving from star to star in our galaxy and the   information that they are  transmitting  wirelessly to earthlings should dispel our so - called scientific thinking that what cannot be logically explained or seen is  just imagination and fable. Globe-covering broadcasts through satellites and their  reception through hand-held smart devices will be very much with us soon.(1,118 words)