Memoranda for Submission to the Chief Ministers of the Two Telugu States.


Maharishi Mahesh Yogi: Call Back And Internet Telephony

Dt:  23/7/18



Maharishi Mahesh Yogi:  Call Back And Internet Telephony


                                                           Dr T.H.Chowdary*                         



Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was the very well-known exponent  of Transcendental Meditation.  Not only did he have millions  of followers in India   inducted into TM ; he had  millions  more in  Europe and  US.    He was  funded very generously by the   European  and  American    followers (sishyas).  He established one University  in Netherlands in 1974 .  He had a satellite earth station and  studio from where he was broadcasting his  messages and   discourses. The Maharishi established  a Vedic University in the year 2001  in   Fairfield, a small  town  in the state of  Ivow in the  US.  


2. One of  his   educational  institutions  was Maharishi University of  Management .   In the  early 1990s, a group of graduates from this institute  coordinated the highly successful  assault  on the world  telecommunications system , breaking the  hold of  major  national  phone companies ( especially outside the USA), dramatically cutting the  cost of phone calls and  pioneering the  phone by internet  revolution.  Following is an extract from the book, "The Armies of God” ( a study in Militant  Christianity  by Iain Buchanan published by Citizens International in 2010.  


“The process was sparked by the  invention, in the  late 1980s, of the call-back device. Initially, two companies  were  involved. One, Telegroup, began in Fairfield in 1989 and  started using the  device in 1990. The other, USA Global Link, was formed in 1992.  As in the  case of the  Telegroup team, USA Global Link’s co-founders and chief executives had both  trained in the  techniques of  Transcendental Meditation. And when USA Global Link expanded its premises on Highway 34, taking over  Wooly’s Gourmet Frozen Custard in the  process, it built a new h.q. fully in accordance with the  principles of  Maharishi Sthapatya Veda.


The company did extremely well.  Aimed initially at the  Southeast Asian market, it soon became the largest in a field of over 200 companies, with an annual turnover by 1997 of around $1 billion – and joint control ( with Telegroup) of over 50% of the  world  call-back market.  When call-back technology became  obsolete, the two companies  adjusted by setting up a global network of  strategic “switch” points  to connect regional  customers  to the  world system.  And Global Link further  outmanoeuvred the  long  distance  providers by becoming  the first company to enable global  phone-to-phone calling via the  Internet.  USA Global Link created two sister companies - Global Online (1997) and Global Online India  (1999) – and when the  three were successfully merged or liquidated in 2001, their  aggregate market value was around  $ 2.8 billion .



The two founders, of course,  became very rich men.  One, Christopher  Hartnett, had already made a fortune  trading on the  Chicago Mercantile  Exchange and dealing in precious stones – becoming  owner, in the  process, of the  world’s largest heart-shaped pink emerald, weighing 169 carats.  Hartnett’s true worth, however, was in other things.


When his companies merged in 2001, Chris Hartnett and  family controlled 85% of their  value. More significant, however, was Hartnett’s wealth of “intellectual property”: according to ICANN, he was by 1994 the largest private owner of URLs in the  world; by 2000, he was the  sole owner of some  12,000 domain names, and part owner of 20,000 more – most of these being  acquired  between 1992 and  1996, before most people were  aware of the Internet  and its  potential.. Unsurprisingly, Hartnett also became  chairman of  Tedhens Ltd (www., the oldest and biggest provider of international domain names on the Internet – serving global  insurance, e-commerce, exchange, banking and  organic and  jewellery businesses with “world-class, one -of-a-kind” domain names.



In addition to such  commercial wealth, Christ Hartnett has a deep and  abiding commitment to that other  source of  Fairfield’s fame- the Maharishi Mahesh  Yogi’s project for  World Peace. Having  graduated  from the Maharishi University of Management, Hartnett became a member of the  sect’s executive – with the  responsibilities of Minister Governing  the Global Country of  World Peace, and Chairman of  the  Global  Central Bank. Hartnett is a complex man: he is a stock market millionaire and  accomplished  gemnologist; he is  ( according to the  Financial Times) “ the father of Internet  telephony and  VOIP technologies “ and (according to Telephony Online) founder of the  most insidious call-back company of all”; and he is  also a  Vedic scholar  and elite  member of a cult promoting meditation and  levitation as the  way to world  peace.


  According to Maharishi University researchers, the  “Maharishi Effect” has been tested successfully in a number of  countries - including Israel, Lebanon, Mozambique and Brazil.    In all cases, it is claimed, a combination of Yogic Flying and unified and directed consciousness has measurably reduced the level  of violence. To believers, the  science is incontestable:  Yogic Flying, according to Craig Pearson, Maharishi University’s Executive Vice President,  “… is the  only scientifically validated solution to ending  terrorism and  creating  world peace.”  The case  is more  eloquently made by Bevan Morris, of M.U.M’s Program of  World  Peace.


“The powerful, integrating, harmonising, peace-creating effects of  …Vedic pace performances will mean that the  enmity and  hatred will be  turned into harmony and friendship – and peace  perpetual will reign on earth…. 


“…The US needs now to dissolve  violence and tension in national consciousness through 8,000 Yogic Flyers in the  Golden  Domes  and  in new  Super  Domes in Maharishi Vedic City. This too will prevent  the  birth of any enemy to the  nation, and  avert all national disasters before they arise.”


But for Christ Hartnett, there was  another  ( and rather  less ethereal) way of  reducing  the world’s violence.


“The Maharishi used to tell me, “ says Hartnett, “that if you sit down with  people and you make  money together  and they are  your friends, you don’t bomb them, you don’t go kill them. But breaking the  telecommunications monopoly our company was able to  help foster communication  between people . When you can communicate  for 2 - 3 cents a minute  around the world ….people can form bonds and  relationships and  start making  money together.  When you do that  you can  eliminate  a lot of conflict. (996 words)