Memoranda for Submission to the Chief Ministers of the Two Telugu States.


What Price “Secularism”

Dt:  10/10/17

Updated: 16/2/18

What Price “Secularism”


Dr T.H.Chowdary*


Sri Yashwant  Sinha, formerly  a BJP Finance Minister in Sri Vajpayee’s cabinet   has  joined the bandwagon of  “bleeding hearts”   -   Muslims   in the Congress  party and  leaders of  some regional parties  with a secular  badge, leftists and  civil society leaders whose   minds have been colonised  by the imperial West. These people say that “India has failed to win the  minds of the Kashmiri people” and that is why there is periodic resurgence of violence and terrorism in J&K.  Sri Sinha  prescribed that the present government should open a dialogue with the separatists  to win their  hearts. For the last 70 years, such efforts have been  made periodically.  Notably, during the UPA regime a delegation of interlocutors,  quite a number  of them, “eminent” leftists  had gone to J&K and spoken with the  separatist leaders; to no avail; of course. Recently, a Communist delegation led by Com. Sitaram Yechuri went to Srinagar to meet the Hurriat leader, Syed Ali Shah Geelani.  That worthy  did not even open the  door when these illustrious   people trying to win the minds and hearts of the separatists  wanted to meet him. 


2. Even the so called non-separatists like  Farooq Abdullah   and Omar Abdullah ex- Chief Ministers also speak of the  failure of  India   to win the   hearts of Kashmiris. And all these, inspite of  J&K with1% of India’s  population getting every year  10% of  the money transferred from the   Center to the States . So  far, more than   Rs. 12 lakh cr had been poured into  J&K. Although the Hindu province of Jammu and the Buddhist province of Laddhak together constitute 35% of the population,  about  80% of the  Plan and  other funds are  spent upon the Muslim majority Kashmir Valley.  


3. At  the beginning of this  20th   century  the Kashmir Valley had 27% Hindus .  They had been reduced  to less than 10%  by 1947.   By 1990, and thereafter to 0%.  All  Hindus and Sikhs there  had been terrorised by warnings to quit Kashmir  delivered through loud speakers mounted on  mosques all over the  Kashmir Valley.  Now, even the  Hindu majority Jammu area is  getting  flooded with Muslims not only from across the borders with Pakistan  but  also by  Rohingya  Muslims    from Myanmar !




4. Article -370 which gives special  status to J&K was meant to be temporary. It is, even after 70 years,  still temporary.  Article - 35A is another special provision as per  which   Indians from outside J&K cannot acquire any property  anywhere in J&K and settle there with a right to vote.


5. The separatist violence and terrorists  can be activated whenever Pakistan  wishes. So far about 50,000 civilians and armed forces personnel have lost their lives in keeping “peace”  in J&K.  Is the  loss of men  and  transfer of huge amounts of money  to J&K,  right?


6. Dr Ambedkar  was  Chairman  of the  drafting committee for the Constitution.  He  was dead set against   Article - 370  but Nehru prevailed over  the Congress and Dr Ambedkar  and got Art- 370 saying it is only a temporary provision.  Dr Ambedkar  in his book,  Pakistan or Partition of India”  wrote that  Congress or  nobody could  prevent the partition ; that Muslims and Hindus  could  never live  together  peacefully and that their residence in India was as between two armed people in truce;  periodically broken; partition could be a lesser evil  than  an undivided  India with periodical communal   riots and totally disaffected Muslim minority.  He said that there should be a peaceful exchange of  minority populations between Hindustan and Pakistan  and cited the example of such   exchange in the  aftermath of the  first  World  War ( 1914-’19)  when Turkey was defeated and its Ottoman Empire  straddling some Christian European lands and  Muslim Arab Lands in the  Arabian  Peninsula and north Africa ( astride the  Mediterranian Sea) was  dismembered. Christians in Turkey  and Muslims in European lands like Greece and Bulgaria and the Baltic provinces were peacefully exchanged between Turkey and the respective European countries.  Gandhi and Nehru did not  agree to this. They and the Congress accepted partition on the basis of religion  and  insisted for division  of Punjab and Bengal also so  that  Hindu majority   areas remained in India and not go to  Pakistan . At the same time, while accepting the  partition , Nehru said, “ it was not on the  basis of  religion” Gandhi, Nehru and  Congress were  not agreeable to the migration of  Muslims in India to Pakistan  which was created by them (India’s Muslims)  even as all  Hindus and Sikhs were expelled from west Pakistan  and the exodus of Hindus and Buddhists in waves  started from East Pakistan, now Bangladesh .


7. Dr Ambedkar had resigned from the Nehru Cabinet in October 1951 because of the slight he was being subjected to,  the delay in the  introduction of the Hindu Code Bills and Nehru’s policy in regard to J&K. Dr. Ambedkar said that Jawaharlal Nehru was all the  while talking of Kashmir whereas the real problem was the plight of  Hindu,  Buddhists, Sikhs and other minorities  in the  two wings of  Pakistan. The plight of Hindus in East Pakistan   was especially referred to by him as in West Pakistan  they had been  kicked out  en masse in one move. Here is what he said: “On15th of August 1947 when we began our life as an independent country, there was no country which wished us ill. Every country in the  world  was our friend. Today, after four years, all our friends have deserted us.  We have no friends left.


Our quarrel with Pakistan is a part of our foreign policy about which I feel deeply dissatisfied.  There are  two grounds which have  disturbed our relations  with Pakistan -  one is  Kashmir and the other is the  condition of  our people in East Bengal. I felt that we should be more deeply concerned with East Bengal where the  condition of our people seems from all the newspapers intolerable than with Kashmir.  Notwithstanding this we have  been staking our all on the Kashmir issue.  Even then I feel that we have  been fighting on an unreal issue. The issue on which  we are fighting  most of the time is, who is in the right and who is in the  wrong. The real issue to my  mind is not who is in the right but what is right. Taking that to be the main question, my views has always been that the right solution is to partition Kashmir.  Give the  Hindu and  Buddhist part to India and the  Muslim part to Pakistan as we did in the  case of  India. We are really not concerned with the  Muslim part of Kashmir.  It is a matter between the Muslims of Kashmir and Pakistan . They may decide the issue as they like. Or if you like, divide it into three parts; the Cease-fire  zone, the Valley and the  Jammu-Ladhak region and  have  a plebiscite only in the  valley.  What I am afraid of is that in the  proposed plebiscite, which is to be  an overall plebiscite, the Hindus  and Buddhists of Kashmir are likely to  be dragged into Pakistan against their  wishes and we may have to face the same  problems as we  are  facing today in East Bengal.(Source: Dr B R Ambedkar,: The Jnanayogi by V Prakasam; page 45&46).


8.  It is better late than never.  We must separate Jammu and Leh provinces from J&K; merge them and integrate them into  India; Jammu as a separate  State like Himachal or  Tamilnadu and  Leh as a Union Territory like  Chandigarh or Andaman & Nicobar Islands.


  Let Kashmir valley people decide whether they want to integrate  with India  or  independent or  merge with  Pakistan . 


9. This re-organisation  would need amending the  Constitution.  While facilitating the  new dispensation for J&K, the Constitution must be amended to  also delete the  word “minority” an d  article-30 in toto.



India should not be  a country and nation    of a federation   of minorities  and majorities of  castes   and  races.  It should have   one citizenship and all citizens must be   subjected to  same secular laws. In a  truly secular  state,  religion must be    the concern of individuals,  their  societies and  associations and their  faiths  all managed by themselves with no  involvement of the government  in the  organisation  of their religions, their places of worship or their  festivals, save the maintenance of  law and  order  and  preservation of  ethical conduct .


 Article-30  is meant for  linguistic and religious minorities  without defining what proportion of  population  qualifies to be  classified as minority, whether it is the  nation-wide or  state - wide or a district wide.  A majority religious community in one state, is a minority  in many others and vis-e-versa.  By Article-30  rights are given  to the linguistic and religious minorities,  right which are not available  to the majorities. This  is adverse   discrimination against the majority  and a special right and privilege conferred on the minority. The phrase “educational institutions of  their  choice”  is being misused. First, here is no limit to the  number  secondly, the  admittees are not wholly belonging to the  minorities. Thirdly, the subjects   like engineering,  medicine and business management have nothing to do  with either the language or the  religion . Why should then the  religious or linguistic minorities be free to found   engineering,  medical,  business management  and architecture colleges   and fill these seats in them not entirely by the  minorities but overwhelmingly   by  students of the majority  community. Very often  most seats are sold at a very high  price  to students  of majority community. Therefore  in order to  remove the  discrimination against the majority  and  remove  ambiguity   as to who, and  where  are  groups are minority,  this article should be amended to provide  equal rights and  privileges  to people of  all  religions    and  all languages. There should be a ban on denominational that is,  religious schools  like  Madrasas receiving  state funding unless they are  affiliated to the   States’   Boards of  Secondary and Intermediate and collegiate  education . The colleges should be free to teach  religion as optional subjects outside the regular  school/  college hours.


Article 25 should also  be amended to delete the words “ propagatereligions; O.K  to profess and  practise but not-propagate.  Propagation in effect is leading to conversion of Hindus  by despicable means like  love jihad, allurements, frauds and  false propaganda in regard to “deficiencies” in Hindu Dharma and (dubious) virtues in Islam and  Christianity .  Hindus don’t propagate to convert; it is  against their  fundamental faith and  belief that “God is  one; the wise call Him by many names” and  everyone is  free to worship, Him by any name,  in whatever manner. Article -25 therefore throws the  lambs of Hindus to the  predator  Abrahamic religions for gobbling up.  Article-25  throws the “unarmed” Hindus to armed ( by their  God’s words)  aggressors, for conversion. Those who do not  like deletion of Article-30 and  the word, propagate in Article-25  and the distinctive, divisive word, “minority”, could be   free to locate  elsewhere in the  homelands they  rioted and  voted to create.


10 . Letting Kashmir to go does not imperil secularism. Hinduism, by  faith, belief and history and philosophy was, is and  will be truly  secular.  Every  Hindu ruler ( except Buddhist, Ashoka) was secular; there was no state religion: all dharmas including Buddhist, Jain, Sikh and  even  Charvakas were  equally  respected. 


11. India  should  not bleed in money and men in J&K and in the  rest of  its  territory to please the  unpleasable” and humour the  traditionally, ideologically and  practically anti-Hindu “eminent” historians of the  JNU or  the  votaries of the  dictatorship of the proletariat” or those  bound to the  miscegenated men and  women of a Dynasty. 



12. That J&K including  that area which is  under the  occupation of Pakistan  legally belongs to India cuts no ice.  India  belonged to England legally and so did Algeria  belong to France .  But in these countries and so many others,  there were   struggles against the  legal    sovereign and the legal government.  How much the  legal governments  tried to supress the “illegal” revolutionary disobedience movements to get rid of the ruling power, the revolutions succeeded. In the case of India it was by the India Independence Act 1947 passed by the  British Parliament that we became  independent. 


13. In Algeria, every French government  before Gen. Charles de Gaulle tried to  supress  the independence  movement by use of armed force.  De Gaulle calculated that the cost of ruling Algeria was more than  the  benefit by way of money that France was  getting; so they  let  Algeria go. Similarly, the  British could not  keep India. They became indebted to the extent of   a few hundreds of millions of pounds to India. The  Indian Army,  Airforce and Navy and  the  police were in a  rebellious mood. The   British soldiers  in India  were  eager to go back  and join their families.  Clement Attlee Prime Minister of  UK  later said,  that  UK gave independence  to India  not because of the   Congress’ Quit India movement or any such  disobedience movement but it found the cost of keeping is much more than  the profit they were  getting from the  Indian empire  and it could not long   afford  to hold   India. 


14. Similarly, though J &K acceded legally in 1947 but since then we had witnessed periodic  violence;  loss of men and property  by agitations  for secession from India.  The secessionists are from the   Muslim majority Kashmir Valley.  The Hindu and Buddhists  majority Jammu and Laddhak  provinces do want integration with India.  Dr. Ambedkar said that what Kashmir Muslims want is none of our business;  integrate the  Hindu and Buddhist  majority areas with Bharat. 


15. We should make no distinction between the people of India depending upon religion calling some majority  and other minorities.  Every one of the   6000 caste groups among Hindus    is a minuscule   minority compared to  Muslims. This discrimination between Muslims  and Hindus  as minority and  majority respectively is invidious, divisive  and disintegrationist . Let Kashmir go the way its people  want.  But the Muslims in India, or for that matter any other religious groups should net be  considered  as a legal and  constitutional minority with  rights and privileges not  available to the so called  majority of over   6000 Hindu caste groups.


16. Statesmanship requires that  reality  must be faced.  When England was waging war (1775-83)  against the American colonies wanting to be  free from it,  the  great Statesman Edmund Burke eloquently pleaded for  conciliation; he said that no people can ever  be kept under some other’s rule,    however  much may be the force.   The people of Catalonia in Spain, Kurds in Iraq, Turkey, Syria and  Iran; the Scots in UK are  wanting to secede from their  ruling nation and  held  referendums in defiance of the central governments.  We have paid  and are paying a heavy price to keep  Kashmir and  to please   Muslims  in India. Secularism and the integrity and indivisibility of India   can be secure and maintained only by a  common citizenship and  secularism   which makes no distinction on basis of  religion. A 170 mln  strong and furiously  growing people cannot  be considered to be a minority. They constitute the 7th largest population  group in the world.  They are the  second largest majority in India and not a minority .    Secular India should give up its minority i.e Muslim obsession and  let go  Kashmir, the way its Muslims want.  Muslims in India should be treated not as  minority with special privileges  but as other  citizens. (2,571 words)