Memoranda for Submission to the Chief Ministers of the Two Telugu States.


Kancha Ilaiah and the 67 people are no eminent They are “eminent” among themselves by mutual appreciation and flattering .

Dt:  9/6/16



Kancha Ilaiah  and the  67 people  are no eminent

They are  “eminent”  among themselves   by mutual   appreciation

and flattering .


Dr T.H.Chowdary*


This is in response to “67 eminent personalities and  academics from within India and outside” issuing a statement  declaring their solidarity with Kancha Ilaiah against whom a “hate speech” case is registered .


2. I am a non-Brahmin.  I come from a family whose illustrious elders, the late  Sri Tripuraneni Ramaswamy  Chowdary and Sri Tripuraneni Gopichand (in honour of both the  Department of Posts of the Government of India  brought out commemorative stamps) who  critically analysed and commented about what has come to be known as  Brahminism – in the Hindu society: castes,  congenital inequality among them, untouchability and  perpetual poverty  inflicted on certain  sections  in Hindu society.  But  neither of them  ever indulged  in Brahmin -baiting  and  made incendiary  hate speeches or denounced Hinduism.  In fact, Sri Gopichand  began as an atheist and anti-caste hegemony, then   became  a communist, a humanist and radical,  humanist, and finally accepted Aurabindoist vision of  Life Divine and   superiority  of  Hindu Dharma over  every other philosophy . I  too started as an ardent  communist  but through  study,  observation and  experience   have,  come to the conclusion that Marxism  and  the Abrahamic religions  are inhuman and that  Sanatan Dharma  popularly called Hinduism  is the only philosophy that can guarantee harmony and order among peoples and mutually dependent co-existence of man and nature, the   continued  existence of life on this  planet  and  the cosmic order.  Having said this, let me now comment about  Sri Kancha Ilaiah  and the “eminents” who have  come in his  support.


3. Sri Kancha Ilaiah had written  a book, “Why I am not a Hindu” ( the philosopher, Nobel Laureate Bertrand Russell wrote the book, “ Why I am not  a Christian”)  .  Then decency requires that he could go on giving expositions about the  superiority of his  philosophy and  faith that he  has converted  to now and not indulge in  offensive  and  obscene criticism of the  Hindu dharma that he has renounced. How would  Muslims  or  Christians like  a Hindu denounce


Prophet Mohammed or  Jesus Christ or their doings or their  methods of expansion  and even their frauds etc.  Surely, scores of cases would be foisted  against  them.  Indeed it is   the large heartedness and legendary tolerance of Hindus that has so far not  filed case against Kancha Ilaiah for his hate speeches, false-hoods. People  must be aware that he is now engaged by the  Maulana Azad National Urdu University where he heads a Center for the Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy, matter that has nothing to do with  Urdu .  Also he is  not known to be a Urdu scholar.  Also, Islam divides humanity into Muslims and  Kafirs obligating the  former to convert the  latter.


4. Obviously, he is in league with all those who are congenitally anti-Hindu and  are  engaged in activities  to disintegrate the Hindu society  and promote conversion of Hindus to Christianity or  Islam.  It would be interesting if an investigation is made about  his means of livelihood, his properties and his visits abroad and the connections he has with anti-Hindu evangelist organisations, NGOs and Islamist companions.


5. Almost all of the  67 Indian   signatories who have come to the defence of Ilaiah are  Marxists, those  who belong to a faith and parties which have failed everywhere, where   they gained power by force.   In India, these Marxist people  are in the company of  communist parties  which were  founded in 1925 along with the  RSS.  The difference between the growth of the Marxist ideology and the communist parties on the one hand and that of the  RSS and nationalist organisations  like the BJP on the other can be easily seen by every person who has eyes to  see, mind  to think, ears to hear and  honesty to recognise  facts. These “eminents” are  confined to a few universities  and   the communist parties  are totally insignificant in almost all parts of India excepting  in Kerala, West Bengal and Tripura.  These are “left” outs.


6. What India now is witnessing is an alliance  of Marxists,  their  executives in the  communist parties, Islamists, evangelists and their allied NGOs and   secularists “(that is,  professional   (not natural) Indians but in fact Resident  Non-Indians (RNIs). Many of them have infiltrated into the  media, especially those which are  surreptitiously and cleverly funded by foreign organisations, those that theologically and practically aim at   conversion of all humanity to their own  faith. Despite 2000 years of evangelism,  and fourteen  centuries of terroristic conquest for conversion not all human beings have been gained  by these  Abrahamic religions and Marxism ( an  Abrahamic theology  in the  political and economic area).


7. It is unfortunate that the daily newspaper, Hindu  which  was founded by patriotic forbears of the  present owners  has become the mouth -piece  for anti-Hindu “ degreed and alienated” Indians. 


8. It is well to note that 60%  of  England’s non-Muslims, non-Hindus, that is Christians no longer adhere to Christianity  and their   Churches are getting  abandoned.  The same trend is visible even in the  USA. It has always been  the  belief of the  Abrahamic faiths- Christianity, Islam and communism that the poor will inherit the earth.  Continuance of  poverty is the only guarantee for the spread of these inhuman faiths .   There is not a single development scheme of  (different) government of India in the  last 67 years  that is not  opposed by   Marxists, their foot soldiers (communists)  and  now,  the harvesters for Jesus Christ   unfortunates in the  Indian society  as  directed by the  Pope at the turn of the last millennium.


9. Finally,  a little  comparison of   Brahmins with the  clergy in Christianity and Islam.  Christian clergy was never poor. The Papal Christianity and its clergy owned huge esttes, levied taxes, sold talismans and admissions invented   engines of  oppression like  ex-Communication. Inquisition, burning at the  stake, slavery ( the black African  people were hunted  and  taken as slaves to America and inflicted with untouchability and perpetual   poverty till recently). In fact, the Christian clergy exercised  state power until the  Reformation swept Europe  a few centuries  ago.  The white Christian colonist settlers  practised untouchability  and deprivation of the natives and  ghettoing them in South Africa till 1994.  The untouchably and ghettoisation of the Afro –Americans  even after their conversion to Christianity  continued until the middle of  the last  century and is still in vogue to some extent in America.  Waqfs in India  are  properties  of defeated Hindu Kings and  soldiers confiscated by the  victors, Islamic hordes from abroad.  While the  lands gifted (Inams) to Brahmins by Hindu Kings had been taken over by governments and distributed to the poor, the loot ( that WAQF is) is still used for the  welfare of the    progeny of the looter-conquerors and their  converted  natives.


10. In contrast the Brahmins in India were sworn to poverty. The  only wealth  that was allowed to them was scholarship and   counselling the rulers and people   for  dharmic government and conduct.  Over time, especially during centuries  of  invasions and loot by alien   Islamists followed  by   European Christian  colonist rulers,   Hinduism lost its vitality to get rid of the  vices that  creep into any society with  the passage of time. It is only in Hinduism  that protesters  are not subjected to  inquisition, burning at the stake, ex-communication   and beheading for blasphemy.


11. This is in contrast to strict injunctions by   religious authorities in the Abrahamic faiths of Islam and Christianity and the Abrahamic Marxist  faith of communism, not to tolerate kafirs, non-believers and non-party men .


12. Brahmins in India  are no longer  oppressors; neither are they the exclusively educated persons. In fact,  while the   lands;  gifted to them had been taken over by the  state,  lands plundered by the conquering Islamic invaders from  the defeated Hindus  are still preserved  as wakfs for the exclusive benefit and  welfare  of Muslims . 


13. Christian Churches are the largest holders of urban properties in India, gifts bestowed  by the  Christian British rulers of India.


14. Sri Kancha Ilaiah is engaged in a ( one-sided) war to “annihilate” Hinduism and so is in the  comfortable and  adulatory company of anti-Hindu forces an d funders who promote his  hyperbolic eminence.


15. Arthur Koestler, an eminent former  Marxist Communist wrote, “the final, final war will be between Communists and  ex-Communists”.  It could as well be between Hindus and  ex-Hindus. (1,373 words)