Memoranda for Submission to the Chief Ministers of the Two Telugu States.


Globality of Hinduism - But Hinduism is Under Assault

Dt:  19/3/15

Globality of Hinduism  - But Hinduism is Under Assault


Dr T.H.Chowdary*


In the  article,  “The Globality of  Hinduism  by Sri Gautam Siddharth” (TOI 14/3/15) the author has brought out the magnificence of Hinduism, particularly  its ides of tolerance , respect for  differences of faith and worship, freedom to discuss  any idea and its  conduciveness for peaceful  coexistence of different faiths, beliefs, cultures and modes of worship and living  .  After extolling all these  qualities,  he is indirectly saying that some   groups professing Hinduism are showing intolerance to  the minority  religions namely,  Islam & Christianity .  I suspect that the author’s idea in writing this article is to excoriate  the Hindutva people, and among others, their program of ghar vapasi and  their  resistance to the  internationally  funded   missionary  activity to gain Hindus to Christianity by means foul and  fair, mostly the  former.


2. The question is if  Hinduism  so  extolled by Gautam Siddhartha  is to survive and  if those who born in it, are not  enticed  away by  proselytisers of religions which are not only mutually intolerant but  together, are intolerant of Hinduism , what should  the intellectuals and  firm believers    in the nobleness of Hinduism do to preserve that philosophy and  culture and belief an d heritage?  Should they become sitting  ducks to the  hunt  and snare of the proselytising  religions?  If it is the duty of    Christians and  Muslims  to convert the rest of  humanity to their  own  faith , can it not be the Hindus’ duty equally  powerful and   insistent to  reclaim those who had been under various  circumstances weaned away from Hinduism? Should they also not take the current  duty of  seeing that their less  informed and less well -to -do  people are not  enticed  to embrace any of these intolerant  faiths? Submission  to intolerant  faiths by silence and inaction is a dereliction of duty. This is  exactly the  lesson that Lord Krishna gave to Arjuna in the   battle field of Kurukshetra. In order to defend dharma, one has to perform his duty to defend  it form aggression and conquest.    That is what exactly Hindu activists are doing when they resist the missionary activity.  


3. That the Christian missionary activity is largely is it funded by forekign  organisations  has been very well known to  many. Only now is it getting exposed  by  the activation in the Home Ministry of the  Government of India of those  who have to  oversee the implementation of the  Foreign  Contributions  Regulation Act. Of the about four million NGOs 75%   are  associated with Christian missionaries. For eg. in Andhra Pradesh, there are more than 1000 such NGOs all  run by those who are part of the  Christian missions  engaged in  marketing  and selling Christianity. In the last 10 years,  50,000 Churches had been


planted in the undivided state of Andhra Pradesh. The Home Ministry   had recently cancelled the  registration  of over 1000 NGOs who received foreign funds but are  not  accounting for them  as required by law.  It is also known that the  opposition to the    Kudamkulam nuclear power station  in Tamilnadu was organised   by an  NGO which has been receiving funds from foreign  source. The moment they were  cut off, the  opposition  agitation has cooled down. The planting of Churches and recruiting converts  would stop to the extent of  90% if the spigot for foreign funds is turned off.


4. It is well to recall that Christian missionaries from several countries  tried to  gain the approval of  Mahatma  Gandhi for their activities, to convert Hindus camouflaging their  activity as one of  compassion and  care of the  poor. Gandhijis interviews and his   condemnation and his disapproval of the Christian missionaries’ activities   in India   have been recorded repeatedly in his  journal , The Harijan.  These are all  included in the  book  The History of Hindu  Christian Encounters” (AD304 to 1996) by late Sri Sitaram Goel, published by Voice of India, New Delhi.  Just one quote will bring out with what conviction and vehemence Gandhiji disapproved of the  Christian missionaries’  activities in India .  Asked  what he would do to   Christian missionaries  after India gained Independence , Gandhiji responded as follows as recorded in the Harijan dated May 11, 1935.  In the interview given by Gandhji to a missionary Nurse before that  date, “the Nurse asked him, “ would you prevent missionaries coming to India  in order to Baptise? “ Gandhiji replied, “ if I had  power and could legislate , I should certainly  stop all proselytising .  It is the cause of the  much avoidable  conflict  between classes and  unnecessary  heart burning  among the   missioners.....  in Hindu house -holds the advent of  a missionary has  meant the disruption  of the family coming in the  wake of  change of  dress manners, language, food and drink. ...” ....... vilification of Hindu religion  is there ....” (Page 171: History of Hindu-Christian  Encounters)


5.That the  missionaries and the conversion  gangs   are indulging in fraud  is  evident from the   following information about the  proportion of Christians in the population  of Andhra Pradesh according to  successive censuses.


Christian Population in Andhra Pradesh







 Total population in  mln





Christians  mln





% of Christian population






The  converters are advising the  converted SC people NOT to disclose  for any government record that they  are Christians but that they should write Hindu SC.   The ubiquitous church  buildings,  more than one  in almost every village of Andhra Pradesh  and the furious,  strident  persons recently  converted and incited  Christians  indulging in intensive  campaigns  go ill with  what is  revealed by the  census. When the S.C converts to Christianity, are confronted which they are  campaigning resort to  file  cases under “Prevention of   Atrocities on SCs &STs Act!  Observing these  developments   about six  years ago I wrote the article , “The Danger of Hindu Christian Riots in Andhra Pradesh”. I did not  think that I was a prophet when I wrote that but now it appears that my prophecy is coming  true in some districts of    Andhra Pradesh where  militant  Christians evangelists are encountering, strident  opposition by  insulted  and so inspired Hindus  .


6.  I request Sri Gautam Siddharth to show his  intellectual honesty to respond to the questions I raise in para (2) and the  facts mentioned in paras 3 and 5. (1008 words)