Memoranda for Submission to the Chief Ministers of the Two Telugu States.


Secular’s Solidarity for Hamas

Dt:  14/8/14

Secular’s Solidarity for Hamas


(Not for other Muslims & Christians )


Dr T.H.Chowdary*


Lok Sabha members belonging to parties professing and proclaiming their  commitment, more often an d more  stridently than  to socialism or “eradication” of casteism demanded that  India’s government should denounce Israel’s war on Hamas in Gaza, a part of Palestine, which Hamas has severed from the Palestinian  Authority (PA).  They are  either ignorant or wilfully suppressing the fact  that Hamas is a non-state actor. a terrorist organisation which  is running a parallel government in disregard and defiance of the  central P.A, much like the  PWG Army of Maoists  in parts of  Chattisgarh; Jharkhand, Odisha and  South-east Maharashtra.  What these “secular” parties MPs and  “secular” columnist ( eg. Rasheeda Bhagar in Hindu), above-ground Maoist “human rights” warriors and  some Muslim organisations make out is that  Israel is killing non-combatant, peaceful civilians  -  women, children  old and young defenceless Gazans in the  homes, schools, hospitals and markets.  But it ignores the  Hamas’ usage of civilians  a human shields, of their  homes  and hospitals as armouries and missile  launching sites which therefore are  targets fro pacification by elimination .  Israel warns the  inmates to evacuate the  targeted sites, but  Hamas heeds not, apparently planning to use the  civilian death toll to  elicit sympathy and  condemnatory action from the  Umma ( global community of Moslems)   and others. This inhumanity of Hamas is  ignored by ‘secularists”, their hearts bleeding  with  sympathy and  vocal cords braying at the Indian government condemn Israel!


2. But see how sectarian and Moslem-voter solicitous they all are . Muslims are slaughtering one another all over the  Middle East, North Africa and  Pakistan. In Pakistan  Taliban Sunnis  are blowing Shias and Ahmedias to pieces in dozens every day in Afghanistan in the  first  six months of this year 5000, were killed, 25% more than in the  corresponding period in 2013; in Libya several armed Moslems are killing hundreds of their own co-religionists; in Nigeria Moslem gangs are killing thousands  of  Christians; in  Iraq and Syria one  group of  Moslems

liberated some territory, proclaimed the  Islamic  State of  Iraq a d Levant (ISIL) set up a Caliphate, are slaughtering Shias and  ordered Christians  on pain of  death to evacuate their  ancestral towns and villages or convert to Islam; tens of thousands of  India’s Moslems are volunteering to  join the  caliph’s jihad army; the Chief of Lucknow’s Nadwatul-ul-ulema has sent the  ISIL’s Caliph greetings; in the Sia-Sunni mutual slaughter almost every day scores are dying in bombed mosques and  city squares.  The dying Moslems in Moslem lands, at the hands of  Moslems are  women, children, old and  young.


3. The “ secular” MPs, the  bleeding heart ‘secular” “progressive”, Marxist, English-only knowing and  speaking liberal, intellectuals, human rights activists-none of these  demanded that   India’s parliament must pass a resolution calling upon the  Islamists, jihadists to stop ethnic cleansing  of  minorities Christians and Yazidis  in Iraq; Hindus and Sikhs in Afghanistan; persecution  of  Christians, Hindus, and Ahmediayas in Pakistan ad so on.  Indeed, the outstanding characteristic o f India’s ‘secularists” is support to Muslims in their aggression on non-Muslims everywhere  in the  world; ignore sectarian slaughter and persecution among  Moslems  themselves; condemn Israel and  Hindus in their efforts to preserve themselves  from the onslaught against them by minorities ( Moslems so far, and Christians  also  these  days, as the  latter’s numbers are swelling by conversions wrought with the  billions of rupees flowing from abroad into their sappers and  miners NGOs).  The following words of Maulana  Abul Hassan  Ali Nadvi ( known as Ali Mian) of  Darul-ul-uloom, Lucknow show where the heart of Muslim leadership in India is:


Muslims all over the world  including  those of  India   were hopefully  looking up to Pakistan for help and guidance  and whatever happened in Pakistan or any other  Muslim country cast its shadow  on the  Indian  Muslims also .   The  Pakistan is debacle of 1971 had caused  immense grieve to  Indian Muslims…” (From the speech at the  reception given  by the  Secretary General  of the Pakistan National  Alliance to delegates of the first   Asian  Islamic  conference  at Karachi  in July 1978. (Source:  The Observer, Dec  16, 1994)



 4. “Secularists” in India pathologically and Pavlovianly  and vociferous react on behalf of Islamists  everywhere in the  world in their  undying  wish  and hope to  get the “minority” vote bank to patronise them. The number o f Gaza’s Muslims  under the  tyrannical rule of  Hamas, the non-state, renegade faction of the  Al Fatah which rules  as the  Palestinian  Authority ( which has some  peace  agreement with Israel), dying and  dead is a minute fraction of the  Moslems slaughtered by Moslems.


5. Let our “seculars” first try to bring peace among Moslems, in Moslem countries  before they debate Israel’s self-defensive actions  in Gaza.  (780 words)